Gossip Girl continues the suck spiral

Jan 05, 2009 20:18

I can't believe how uninterested I've become in Gossip Girl. I didn't really miss it, that can't be good.

Blair and her complete lack of self respect chasing after Chuck is beyond pathetic. I used to adore Blair's high and mighty mask of superiority. Chuck has made her a ridiculously normal teenage girl.

Chuck, grief or not, is grating on my last nerve, quite possibly because of his direct effect on Blair.

Serena and Dan. Oy, that reunion scene was horrendous. Not just cause it was ridiculously cliche and lame. But I swear my eyes are gonna start bleeding if I have to see them making out one more time. And Serena becomes this complete dumbass who makes little to no sense when in Dan's presence. His natural musk can not possibly be THAT intoxicating.

I'm right there with you Blair. The look on her face when Dan came up behind Serena was fabulously disgusted. How much of that was Leighton I wonder? Though I'm slowly sliding away from the Bleighton 'oh my god, totally having a not so subtle love affair' train of thought.

Ugh, could Dan get any more assy. Respect your dad you douchebag.

You know it's the sign of a really bad episode when Jenny is the only character I find tolerable thus far. Oh shit. Of course when she starts her Dan/Serena cheer, she lost major badly needed points.

Blair holding court and ruling on Nelly Yuki's fate was hysterical.

And way to kill the little enjoyment I was finally having with another D/S scene.

Serena is being an absolutely horrible best friend too. God I hate what the Dan/Serena romance does to the Waldsen one. And what is up with the total lack of touchies. Something is seriously lacking with those two. Blake and Leighton's chemistry seems a little......weird all of a sudden. That's worrisome.

And where the hell is Nate? I can't believe I'm actually wishing for Nate to chew up screentime.

Well at least Serena ran off to save Blair, I might as well be thankful for small favors at this point.

Why could Serena not have been waiting on Blair's bed for her though? That would have certainly made up for the crap the previous thirty minutes has been.

Oh god my Dan hate knows no bounds.......

And wow, since when is Serena Team Chuck? Dear lord what the hell has happened to this show? Yep, it's offical, Dan's bastardly ways have completely rubbed off onto Serena. God.

I do rather enjoy that Dan/Serena share a sibling. It makes their pairing icky technically speaking, not just visually. Wee!

Ok, lets not disown Serena for the sweater ladies. Ok, well thank gosh she rectified that little annoyance, but only because they dissed on Chuck too. Wow the Bluck ship has completely eaten this show.

I never thought I'd say it, but it's a shame that Eric is gay, he and Jenny are rather cute. And I'm liking Jenny again, wow. But oh yes, can we ungay Eric please?

Sigh, they've also destroyed Lily and Rufus. No fair. Though they don't seem to be without a slight glimmer of hope, so I guess I'll take what I can get for the moment.

Am I the only one seeing a bit of Jack lusting over Blair?

Heh, at least Blair has common sense. Screaming at someone on the side of the building ledge is never a good thing.

And whoo, more ship that ate the show cheesy dialogue. Yay. They've completely softened Blair into a lovesick sap. Ugh. Soft and kind Blair only works with Serena, anything else and it comes off lame.

Oh My GOD. Dan you complete and utter dickhead. Lily is Serena's mother, give her a chance to tell her. I can't believe how much I hate Dan.

And ohhhhh, was I possibly right about Jack and Blair? That might throw a kink into the Bluck, might make them more tolerable for me right now.

Oh please at least let Rufus and Lily be happy, they're the only couple I actually can ship on this show anymore.

Blah, that episode was lame. 2009 is off to the suck already.

gossip girl

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