New job wanted

Dec 29, 2008 23:09

I think I need to start looking for a new job. No, I didn't get myself fired. Without admitting to a slightly inflated ego in that respect, they wouldn't know what to fucking do without me.

Today was supposed to be my only day off this week. With the holidays, we're rather short staffed. Don't I get a call at 7am this morning, asking me to come in. I had actually called off sick yesterday because I was just feeling all around crappy. So my boss uses the guise of asking how I'm feeling before going in for the kill.

So yeah, now I'm on a 13 day stretch with no days off, and three doubles thrown into that mix.

I love my job, but lord, sometimes I really hate it lol

On a completely different note, I think I need to make some Xena icons, I have like, none!

rants, life, work

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