I'm seriously considering not even bothering with One Tree Hill anymore.
For those of you who haven't seen it yet, or don't want to read my ranting, just skip the cut.
It seems that the strike killed any good writing that was left in Marky Mark. Because ever since, almost all of the episodes have either been boring, preposterous and just downright stupid.
Tonight's episode for example, was just dumb. It was pointless and out of left field. Mark was trying to make some kind of social commentary, just like he was with the school shooting episode. And it fails miserably. It just comes off and preachy and pathetic. Ironically, the only character that DIDN'T bug me the entire episode was Haley. HALEY! I have pretty large amounts of hate for that character, and I always have. So when she's the only one that doesn't bug me? Something is not right in the universe.
Chad still can't emote at all. Squinting your eyes and having stubble does not a dramatic actor make. And Skills is just pointless as a character. The Deb pairing is just dumb.
The Brooke and Peyton 'break up' scene in the beginning just made my heart hurt. I knew, just KNEW that as soon as Leyton got together and got sickeningly sappy and couply that Breyton would suffer. I cannot believe that Peyton has yet to figure it out. I really am feeling the need to kick that girl.
And bitter and angry Brooke? I HATE it. Hate. IT. I love Sophia, but god, the whole storyline just bugs the shit out of me.
This new Sam character? Completely pointless. And I'm already annoyed by her. Having her do the voiceover? Stupid.
So basically, on the whole, this season has been sucking so many barrels of monkey balls I can't even express it. And on top of it all, even the music is suck ass too.
Ugh, Mark needs to go away and leave the writing to someone that actually knows to oh, I don't know, write?
One shining moment in the whole episode, and that is Jackson and Sophia's chemistry. Anything else and it would have been a total and complete waste of 43 minutes of my life.