Working For a Living Sucks

Dec 03, 2005 03:06

So apparently the holiday season is enough to bring out the major pains in the ass. Or bloody idiots. Or self centered, self absorbed dumbasses. Or all of the above.

For anybody even thinking about it. Never, under any circumstances, take a job in retail after Labor Day. You're just begging for misery.

I actually don't mind my job most days. I've met a lot of nice people at work, made some new friends, I seem to fit in nicely, and I actually know what the hell I'm doing most days.

But today was the day from Hades. Firstly they had me scheduled until 12:30am, when the store closes at midnight. My CSM said it was just to give me a buffer so that I wouldn't be getting any overtime. So I actually didn't get lunch, which working six hours, since I started at 6:30, I should have. And I didn't even get my break until after 11pm. But that wasn't the worst of it all.

First, some dude comes into my line, doesn't have any UPC on three of his items. It was crazy tonight, so the Assistant manager actually ran back and got a valid UPC for me. After that I look back on the belt and this guy has something like 80 freaking t-shirts to be rung up. Had to pull all the hangars off, and the guy keeps giving me a shooing motion, like to hurry it up. Well if he hadn't bought the whole damn clearance display, I could have. Six freaking massive bags later, and a $300 bill, and he just grunted at me when I gave him his change.

Finally, two minutes to midnight, we're all ready to shut our register lights out, and this lady comes lumbering up to my line, TWO massive shopping carts full. This happens to me ALL the time, but since I'm relatively fast, I figured no big deal. Well the woman proceeds to literally hand me one item at a time, and she's moving SO slow. I get everything bagged pretty quick, but she still has half her shopping cart full, and I have nowhere to put the bags, so I start stacking them up beside my register. Doesn't my CSM come over at like, SCOLD me for doing that. I was fit to be tied. Finally I get the whole order done, and I look, everyone else turned their lights off and are counting their drawers and there's ANOTHER woman behind the one I'm already helping. With ANOTHER whole damn cartfull. The first lady takes forever writing her damn check out. And just as she's leaving, she asks if she can have help to her car, because she can hardly walk, she's been shopping too much.

By the time I got the other lady checked out behind her, it was already 12:15. My one co-worker actually came over and helped me bag, bless her. It was just such a miserable night.

And the strangeness of some people, I'll tell ya. Maybe it's just me, but when you're in a store, until you pay for that item, it's not yours, yes? Well this one lady came through my line, handed me a pair of slippers. I rung them up, went to put them in the bag, when the woman told me they were the wrong size, to just throw them in the return bin. I told her I had already rung them through, so I'd have to void it first. I then asked her if she wanted another size. She proceeds to lift her leg up in the air to show me that she's actually WEARING the ones she wanted to buy. Her sneakers were sitting in the shopping cart. Who does that? Walks around in a dirty store, in slippers and pjs that aren't even paid for yet?

Or is it just me?

rants, work

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