(no subject)

Nov 27, 2005 07:05

Oh how I love the holiday season. Um yeah, sarcasm.

Working in retail on Black Friday was probably not my smartest move. I worked 3pm-midnight Friday and by the time I got out to my car, I couldn't even feel my feet. My back though, that I could feel. Painfully. When my drawer was pulled I had something like 14 thousand in it. Nevermind the credit, debit, gift cards and checks that were used during the day. Normal for me is anywhere between 5k and 7k total. So yeah, busy as all hell. Then I had to work 7-midnight tonight too. And they put me on the express register because there was only two of us closing, and apparently I had seniority, so they figured I could run that one faster. I've been there three weeks, I can only imagine what their definition of seniority is. LOL

In between all the madness I managed to buy myself a new car. Not exactly new really, it's a new USED car. But still, big step up from my little truck I've been driving.

It's a Pontiac Grand Am. With all the trimmings, which of course already has me spoiled. lol

life, work

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