ugly veins

Aug 18, 2012 21:16

Lately there've been a couple of really ugly raised veins on my left forearm, right above my wrist. The ones on the backs of my hands have gotten bulgier too. They bulge primarily when I'm warm or active. Sign of aging, I guess.

I've felt self-conscious about them, especially about the ones on my left forearm. I think it's gross. Of course friends have told me that I'm crazy and that no one pays attention to such things. And of course, my friends are wrong and I'm completely justified in my self-consciousness, because today at lunch someone noticed and pointed out the veins.

I had to go to the bathroom and work very hard to keep myself from crying.

It seems like whenever there's something about my appearance that I dislike or am self-conscious about, I eventually get verification that my concerns are warranted.
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