Apr 12, 2007 20:15
So, totally random thought, ok?
I was at work the other day--the stupid work, not the cool one--making mashed potatoes, and suddenly my first memory of Jess's mom pops into my head.
It goes something like this:
Jess was at my house that day, and her mom--whom I had never met before--came to pick her up. I guess she rode my bus home with me; we were in high school at this point and time, around 15 years old. Anyway, Jess and I are at the top of the driveway when the green van they used to have rolls up. There's a lady in the driver's seat, and she slows to a halt beside us. Suddenly Jess starts going weird on me, saying, "That's not my mom. I don't know who that is, that's not my mom."
It was obvious that she wasn't serious since the lady in the driver's seat starts laughing, and Jess was kind of laughing too; however, *I* did not get it.
(Remember, this is before the time where people were really afraid of other people all the time, and at no point in time did it occur to me that this lady was really NOT Jess's mom, but an imposter there to kidnap her.)
Finally Jess explains. Apparently, her mother had very long hair that morning when Jess left for school, but the lady in the van had very short hair. Since I did not know that she used to have long hair and this was the first time I was meeting her, I was obviously perplexed.
So I don't really remember what happened after that, but I'm assuming that Jess got in the van and left, since she is not still at my parents' house, standing at the top of the driveway waiting on her mother. Eleven years later.
Anyway, I really have no idea why I thought of that, an odd, random eleven year old memory. It just ... was there. So yeah.