Warning: Longest. story. ever. But there was a lot of interesting stuff I had to pack in! lol
Woo hoo! It's not every day that your two fav bands in all the land should be playing together... Ok so they played together a couple months ago at Ziggy's.. But that was Hawthorne Height's headlining tour so it just wasn't the same as a coheadlining shindig! So yeah originally I wanted to go to both the shows Emery and Anberlin were playing in NC: Thursday in Chapel Hill, Friday in Charlotte. Of course, Target decided to be wack and not give me the time I asked off for. THANKS! Plans changed and Carly and I decided to just make a trip to the Thursday show. We got there around 6:45ish, a lil after the doors had opened. It was the most uncrowded I'd ever seen an Emery/Anberlin show and I was a lil excited. But of course it got more crowded as the night wore on. The opening bands (Jonezetta, Classic Crime, The Fold) were pretty rockin and set the stage nicely for my loverly loverlies, Anberlin. I was rockin out hard core and taking pictures like a maniac, especially of Deon cuz that's Korri's future hubby and she was unable to make it due to work. So yeah it was hot. Literally, never sweated so much in my life. Not even sitting at Magnum's entrance explaining to the guests that someone has just puked on the platform so we're gonna be closed for a lil bit. They rocked a lot harder than the Winston show because they got to play longer and really spice things up. It was awesome.. Then came the DRAMA!
This being my fourth Anberlin show, I was pretty hopeful on snagging me a drumstick from my future hubby and well known obsession, Nathan de Anberlin el drummer. So they're done and he's walking off the stage without tossing any sticks so I yell "Nathan!" He looks at me and I say "Drumsticks??" lol so he goes back to his set and grabs them off the ground. He begins tossing them out to the crowd and I'm thinking "Surely he'll give me one.. He knows I'm in love." Sure enough, he heads right over to me and PUTS the stick in my HAND! That's right folks. I nearly passed out from excitement. But what happens? The 16 year old hussy next to me friggin GANKS MY DRUMSTICK!! I should have punched her and taken it but I didn't. I just fumed for a bit... Then said it's only a drumstick.. YOU know it was meant for you... It'll be ok... lol. But seriously, I wanted to cry.
Once Emery came out I forgot all about my crappy situation and started rockin out ten fold. I swear they just put on such an awesome show! True the first time I saw them I wasn't as impressed but then again, I wasn't *as* into their music and I was dying in the mosh pit. Every time it got quiet Carly and I would scream out "Miss Behavin!!" because it's only our fav song ever. But do they ever play it? That'd be a negative. But they were awesome and I just love the Cats Cradle cuz you are all up in their grill piece and they in yours. It was a big sweat sharing fest. *puke* Despite the lack of Miss Behavin, it was super rockin. When they were finished they were shaking people's hands from the stage and rather than saying "Ya'll were so awesome!" like all the other good Emery fans I said "Why don't you ever play Miss Behavin?!!" lol and he looked at me all surprised so I continued "It's one of the best songs on the entire album! We love it." he says "Oh.. Well we'll play it at show sometime, I promise."
Everyone started clearin out at the end and Carly and I were reunited with my friend Morgan who I met at my very first Anberlin show. I have a shirt I need to get all the fellas to sign and Morgan wants em to sign her razr phone. So we're on a mission... First we run into Emery singer man again so I reiterate that he needs to play our song and he's liek "Ok, we'll learn it. Promise" lol uh huh sure... And then we have to take a picture cuz helloooo it's Emery and we're in love.
Like the awesome stalker I am, I spot Nathan making his way across the room so I yell for him and he stops. He says "Hey! Did you get that drumstick? I put it right in your hand." So WE both know it was meant for me, ok I'm validated. I explain the story to him and he's like "Where is she? Let's fight her. Nooo I'm just kidding." But I thought it was a great idea. So then I tell him we have to take a picture and am doin the ole extended arm thing when Morgan's like "Want me to take it?" and I said "Nah we always do it this way, it's our thing." and he says "Yeah, it's our thing." haha... I'm really a stalker. Only with Nathan though.. Because I mean.. WHOO! Well the first one we took was kinda special (on myspace- www.myspace.com/jen_e) so Morgan took the next one where I of course still look special:
Then we go outside and harrass the other cats. I had to harrass Nathan a second time so he could sign my shirt.. And I told Deon I had to get a pic with him for Korri I's like "I don't know if you remember.. But last year when you came to NC I was harrassing Nathan and my friend was harrassing you for pictures..." And he says "Oh yeah, when we played in Charlotte??" SWEET! He remembers his stalkers. lol. Ok so enough about that show, check out the other pics.
If you've read this far you should post a comment that has the word "zebra" in it somewhere. K?
So we went home hot, happy, and fulfilled. I'm sure I sound like a crazy groupie.. But at least I didn't follow them all the way from Pennsylvania like this one girl there. She said she quit her job so she could follow them on the rest of the tour. WHOA! The only way I'd do that is if they were payin me to be their merch girl lol. But yeah, I'd do it. I called Korri to tell her that her man remembered her and she was pumped and pumped about the awesome show so we decided I just had to call into work th enext day so we could go to the show in Charlotte. And we did. And it was super sweet as well. Didn't spend as much time stalkin this time and I didn't get a drumstick.. But after screaming his name all night, Deon came over and tossed a water bottle in our direction and Korri managed to snag it from the girls who got it. We probably shouldn't have told him about that but we did and he was a lil scared.. He was also a lil scared when Korri proposed to him but they decided that in 4-9 years it's gonna happen. He signed it on her shirt so that's definitely a binding contract in my book. Ok I'm done. Oh one more thing.. The second Emery singer who I kept harrassing about miss behavin was singing over at our side of the stage at one point and did a double take when he saw me, meaning he was thinking "Good gosh. I thought that girl said she couldn't come to this one? FREAK!" Yep, that's me. I'm done. for real. What a way to go out of NC though.. Rocked my friggin socks off!