Letter #300 'Five People, TVXQ's Cassiopeia' - Posted on 28/11/10

Nov 29, 2010 01:24

Cassiopeia loves TVXQ
Cassiopeia loves them with all their might
Like a shadow, they follow TVXQ and cry and laugh with them

How much longer, how much longer will we have to just watch
My love that resounds in my heart, my love that hurts and is sad
How much longer must we just sit like this till you give us an answer

Couldn't you let us have just a little inkling of hope?
You feel so close to us, but when something bad happens, you feel so far away
Cassiopeia, who can't help but love you, are by your side, crying

Cassiopeia become smaller in front of others
Labels of 'Cassiopeia', 'TVXQ's fan' make them more reserved
Cassiopeia, who can't even bring you up as a topic with friends anymore,
Our hearts have become bruised and battered

Because we know you aren't foolish, because we know you're hurting more than us
Because this love seems like one that drives us crazy with sorrow, my heart aches

We want you to return, as five
Our hearts are screaming this wish out every day
Sometimes, when holding back the tears is too much, we'd cry out loud
Though we want it so much, though we've cried for it so much
You don't return, and that makes us cry harder

I wonder if you know how much we miss you right now
You couldn't be doing this if you knew. So I'm going to assume you don't.
You don't know, how much we love you and how much we're hurting because of you

How much longer, how much longer must we just sit and watch
My love, so beautiful yet sad, my love, who gifted me with laughter and tears
How much longer must we just sit like this until you say something to us

Couldn't you let us have just 1% of hope?
Even the smallest piece of good news has me beaming while bad news has me sobbing
Cassiopeia, who love you beyond words, are by your side, crying

Hey Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin,

Do you know that,
We live waiting for your return
Even though it feels like our hearts are being ripped out, we can't help but wait..

What article will come out today and tear me down, what bad things will I hear about TVXQ today?
Will you be able to return, is there an iota of hope, or am I just dreaming?

Thoughts like these fill my head every day and wear me out and give me scars
How much longer... Until when... How much longer do we have to live, feeling so anxious every day?
Is it really a useless thing to wait for you? I don't want to believe that..
I want to wait..I want to.. I want to see you come back with smiling faces saying "It's been rough, right?"
Is it too much to ask for to want your return?
Should I be content with the three of you, the two of you, being able to smile?
Is it right for me to be content and accept what is happening right now?
Can't you return? Please.. Not as a TVXQ of two members.. but a TVXQ of five members.. Can't you come back to us?

Did you know,
We can't help but love you
We can't help but like you
We can't end it or hold on to it... to you...
Though so many things have happened to us, we can't stop loving you
I may be foolish and unwise, but to have to turn my back on you, to have to stop liking what I like,
That would be so painful and tiring, I couldn't do it

So please return, please.

Hey, TVXQ of five members,
Hey Yunho, Jaejoong, Yoochun, Junsu, Changmin.

I love you

by. 바라보기억하기

Source: [Naver Blog]
Translation credits: jeeelim5@tohosomnia.net
Shared by: tohosomnia.net
Do not remove/add on any credits


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