how I do social fandom

Apr 14, 2014 08:20

I just went to Bitchin' Party and the party was indeed bitchin'. More on that later, but first: I have made some new friends! And I decided that it would be a good idea to do a rundown of how I engage with fandom as a community, just so you all know what to expect from me.

Twitter: I am a compulsive backreader and I have multiple accounts, so my follow-back habits are mostly based on volume and personal relevance of tweets. If you tweet a lot, or mostly about fandoms I'm not in, I will probably not follow you on this platform even if I like you and want to be your friend. But I do engage with @-replies, so there are people on Twitter I interact with a lot even though I don't follow them. My username is @ohshitcircuit for general fannishness; I have another one for non-fannish hockey stuff that I try not to publicly connect to the fandom one too much, so let me know if you want that one and I'll give it to you privately.

Dreamwidth: I'm reasonably active on DW, and will certainly be more active in the next couple days post-con. I don't lock my posts at all here, so I don't bother granting access. This is where I put all my long-form meta. I do read everything on my flist, although I don't always get around to commenting.

LiveJournal: I still crosspost, but I almost never use my fandom LJ anymore. I do have a non-fandom LJ that I still use for general life updates (where I do lock some stuff, but will friend you to give you access if I know you).

Tumblr: I don't engage socially on Tumblr at all. I do post hockey stuff at turnoverhockey, but I don't even pay attention to who follows me, much less follow anyone back.

AO3: I haven't been great about linking stuff on DW lately, so AO3's author subscriptions are the best way to follow me if you're interested in my fanworks. My AO3 is jedusaur.

In person: A few friends and I organize fannish dinner parties in Seattle approximately monthly, and occasionally have other gatherings (we've done vid-watching hangouts and fandom-specific hangouts, and sports hangouts are in the works for this summer). If you're interested in being on the mailing list for that, give me your e-mail address. I've already added everyone whose e-mail I have, so if you think you gave me your info but haven't gotten an invite, let me know. (I am not excluding anyone intentionally!)

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fandom is real life, fandom infrastructure

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