Apr 02, 2014 13:01

I've been to two Night Vale live shows, the January one where they performed The Librarian and the Thrilling Adventure Hour crossover last Saturday. Cosplay somehow did not occur to me the first time around, and after seeing some of the shit people were wearing, I knew I had to do something cool next time around. So for the crossover show, the boything and the girlthing and I dressed up.

I was the Glow Cloud. I had little toy animals with Xed-out eyes dangling from my waist, and carried a handful more to throw at people. It went over well. My costume did stand out a bit more in the theater than I had anticipated--whoops--but we were in the back, so hopefully I didn't annoy too many people.

The boything was a hooded figure and the girlthing was a scientist. I like how my eyes are glowing too in this picture.

This picture cracks me the fuck up. He's all menacing and ominous and she's just dorking out. My SOs are the greatest, you guys.

It was really tempting to drop animal corpses on people from above, but that probably would've gotten me kicked out.

Glow Cloud nails. This glitter is impossible to photograph--it's a lot more colorful in person.

The show itself was a lot of fun, although the gender ratio could have used some work. Definitely more aiming for fun, and not for the experience like the last one. It was cool to see Molly Quinn and Alan Tudyk live. The best part, though, was Cecil. Listening to him live makes me want to listen to Night Vale in surround sound at top volume. What a fucking voice. He's such a slip of a guy, too! Like, where the hell is he hiding that larynx?

I was hoping to meet Jeffrey Cranor after the show, but the place was packed and the boy had work in the morning, so we didn't stick around. Probably for the best--I'm sure I would have gotten all earnest about what a creative inspiration he is to me, and I don't know how seriously it would have been possible to take me in that getup.

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welcome to night vale

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