I Now Pronounce Thee Husband And Woof

Mar 16, 2012 21:23

This is what happens when
sophia_sol starts issuing challenges. I present to you a drabble that could logically be tagged "politicians", "animals", and "accidental marriage":


"What?" Rick stared at the piece of paper. "No! They told me it was a petition to illegalize pornography!"

"I'm sorry, Senator," said his aide. "I'm afraid the marriage contract is binding. You are now lawfully wedded to Bo, the First Dog. Perhaps you should be more cautious in the future when signing things handed to you by people surnamed Savage."

"But a dog? That's not legal!"

"We are in Iowa at the moment, sir," pointed out the aide. "By your own logic, if gay marriage is allowed..."

(Back in Washington, between soft chuckles, Barack murmured proudly, "Shake. Good dog.")

This entry was originally posted at http://jedusaur.dreamwidth.org/55017.html.

drabbles, crack

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