It Gets Worse

Nov 16, 2011 20:48

I always used to wonder why the second years always seemed to want to rain on our parade last year- every chance they got, they told us how much harder it would be from here on out.  I mean, it's med school, but come on, it's just kind of rising and falling like everything else, right?

Yesterday, I was working with some first years and talking to them about their upcoming OMM practical.  They were complaining about all the techniques (read: one screening exam and 20 or so techniques) that they had to know for the test.  Without flinching, I laughed and told them, yep, it gets worse (read: four screening exams and 100+ techniques).  I mean, come on, guys, you haven't even gotten to counterstrain...

Then I took a step back.  Yep, it happened.  I'm a doom-and-gloom second year.  Don't know when that happened, and I can't say I thought I'd get here, but it seems my ability to handle med school has increased along with the crap that they keep throwing at us.  Amazing... they're brutal, but effective.

Now I just need to bank on somehow blossoming into a clinically competent third year.  Not sure when that's going to happen, either, but sooner rather than later would be lovely.

i'm a doctor?, growing, med school

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