Getting There

Aug 09, 2010 00:35

Wrapping up my last free weekend.  You know, like, ever.

Classes start tomorrow morning.  Part of me is scared- I know it's going to be an absurd volume of material, and thus far they haven't been very clear on what's going to be expected of us in terms of specific stuff going on this week.  I know I'm going to be fine once I settle in.  It's just getting there that's the issue.

Getting there will also be the issue socially.  I know I'll be fine eventually.  It's just hard connecting with people right now.  I don't know.  I just don't do this very well.  Still, there was a Luau/Barbecue today, and I got to eat/play Volleyball/Frisbee with some cool people.  So I guess there's hope.

In the meantime... I have my Pokemons to keep me company.  XD  I finally have wireless that works with my DS, and I've been hanging around the GameFAQs board looking for fights.  It's been fun thus far, so that will be a nice relaxation/distraction as the semester starts eating my brains.  yamikonumber7 , that means that you can get me that Arceus and Pichu back anytime you have wireless.  You know how to find me.  It also means I had an excuse to put together my shiny new Friend Code icon for use at pokewifi .  Woohoo!

Updates will follow this week as I figure out exactly what will be expected of me this year.  Should be fun.  In the meantime, school starts in 8 hours.  Good night, folks!

beginnings, pokemon, med school

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