OOM: Fel Residence, Csilla

Jan 07, 2007 23:03

There has been something bothering Jaina Fel for days now. At first she thought it was simply a case of the the Dantari flu, which according to Jag, had been spreading around the base the past couple of days. But she even with taking the prescribed bacta, and those odd little pink pills Bar provided her when she went to Milliways the other day, nothing has seemed to help.

It's when she had sunk into her third Jedi healing trance earlier in the day that Jaina finally paid enough attention to her body to realize what is wrong with her. Or maybe, she corrects herself, what isn't wrong with her.

Ever since then, Jaina had been waiting impatiently for her husband to get home from work. This isn't a matter to discuss by comm, and those waves of nauseousness make it hard for her to travel anywhere today. So she sits curled up in her father's favorite chair, snuggled tightly in a blanket as she stares in the direction of the house entrance. Willing Jag to come home isn't making the seconds on the chronometer tick away any faster.
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