Jan 21, 2008 16:22
OMGZ it is me, no joke! It was a long, cold winter break without good ol' El Jay...but I really have no good excuse for not posting except that nothing too exciting was going on (read: I was too lazy to hook my computer up to the internet and it's cold in my mom's office, lol). I went to see almost every movie that came out with the boy (I won't even try to list them all, so if you want to discuss something odds are I've seen it!). Best movie of the year? Juno, hands down. If you haven't seen it yet, do so before it leaves theaters. Ellen Page better win the Oscar for this movie, but she's up against quite a few good leading ladies. She got jipped out of the Globe. But at least Johnny FINALLY won a Globe!! GO TEAM SWEENY!! XD
I actually did do other things over break besides go to the movies, lol. I went out with my sister and/or Pat and his friends a lot now that I'm 21 (BTW, the "Strawberry Limonade" at Old Chicago is now my favorite mixed drink, because it tastes like a smoothie and I couldn't taste the booze, had 3 of them, and was suddenly drunk. XD Oh also, I had my first APPLETINI, and it was as good as I thought it would be!!). We saw Colleen's boyfriend's band, The Sense Offenders, play a few times, because they're awesome. Which reminds me that I'm supposed to spread the word to people still in the Albany area that they're playing a big show on THURSDAY at the SKYLINE. I can't go, but it'll be awesome. No cover charge, great band, so anyone at home should go. :D
Oh and I've been a TA-sub in my mom's middle school in Guilderland because Michael's screwed me out of hours yet again (I've only been there for 5 years, so I guess the new temps get priority or whatev), and it's been kind of cool. The kids like me because I'm closer to their age and can talk to them about Harry Potter and Star Wars and Heroes, lol. And apparently the teachers I've worked with have been raving to my mom and asking for me specifically (she does the sub list so I got first dibs on days and classrooms and such). I filled out an application for a full-time TA position there for September (you don't need a teaching certificate to TA) because there's going to be a few openings, and I guess the principal who does the hiring told my mom that I'm pretty much guaranteed a job. FRICKIN SWEET. I need a full-time job while I'm in grad school because I'll need the insurance (I get sick way too much and have too many prescriptions to coast by without health insurance for a while), and I'd much rather work in a school and get the experience than work full-time at Michaels. :P
Anywho, in other news, I was bored last night here at school with not many people back yet, so I decided to change my layout. I was lame and used one of the pre-set...I dunno, I just wanted something a little simpler and non-fandomy. I'm not super crazy about this one yet, but I'll probably change it to something more cute and colorful for the spring. But I made my new default icon to go with it (it's a scene from LOST), and I love my new LOST animated mood theme. Season 4 starts in 10 days, HOMG!! I'm so psyched.
Anyway, classes start on Wednesday, and until I'll be re-arranging my room, organizing my books and such, playing croquet, and probably updating a lot to make up for being so lame all winter. :D And now it's off to the dining hall for a wonderful (not) dinner.
I miss my mom's cooking like woah. :P