Jun 24, 2011 22:38
Uh, okay. Hi. Don't know how much I'll use this, but we'll see. I'm not much for writing as a rule... and since pretty much every show I currently watch is off the air (with nothing coming up until Eureka comes back in a few weeks), I probably won't be saying much for awhile.
Let's see, what have I been doing? Well, I've been trying to redo my genealogy pages on my website to make them more accessible the past few days in hopes of having it in somewhat decent shape to give my relatives the site address at the family reunions in August. Though there's no way I'll be able to get all the sources for the information listed before those happen. And I'd love to get a couple of my aunts to bring some items with them to the reunion--I'd like to borrow a book from the one which has information (even if some of it isn't accurate) about several different lines of my family tree, and the other has an old, old picture of the members of the church my grandparents belonged to which was taken a little over 100 years ago. It's kind of big, and I never got a proper picture of it before, so I'd like to use my new camera and get a panorama shot of the picture, as well as close ups of the various people in it. Mostly because it has not only my great-great grandma dead center in the picture, but also all five of her kids by her second husband, and some of her grandchildren in it as well (like my grandpa and his twin, and probably more of his siblings as well).
I like sci fi, mysteries, genealogy, drawing (though I haven't really had the time to do that much of late), and reading. I'm currently re-reading A Storm of Swords (I've got to just past the Red Wedding), and am trying to make the remaining two Doctor Who e-books I got yesterday last til Tuesday, when Timothy Zahn's excellent Thrawn trilogy comes out (finally) as e-books, then I'm going to be re-reading those again.
I've been working a lot of late. Well, not this week specifically (I got a damn notice for jury duty for this week, and then they didn't even have me report any of the days I was on call, so I lost 1 or 2 days' worth of pay for nothing, since my employer doesn't pay me if I don't work, and my boss didn't schedule me because he didn't want to have the headache of having to schedule someone else if I did end up on a jury), but for the most part, yeah, I've been getting more hours per week since I ended up being a manager at the store I work at unexpectedly last February.