the unuasual monday post :D

Sep 19, 2011 22:30

Again, not really there these days... It was very shitty last week at work and the time i spent at home it was only to die on the couch before sleeping... This week will be hard again but less stressful I think/hope...

About fun stuff, I finished my The office marathon, so I'm ready for the new season. The last episode was made of win ! I mean... Will Arnett, Catherine Tate... THAT WAS AWESOME !!!

Saturday was Doctor Who... and really... nothing much to say... I don't know what I'm thinking about it as I loved it and at the mean time one thing really pissed me off... Must rewatch.

Yesterday was the emmys and ok i really don't see the point of these anymore. But congrats to Peter Dinklage, he really deserves his own !!!! (ok congrats for Downton abbey even if 1/ it is english or what ??? I mean if they put english shows, why not misfits, doctor who or any other english show ???? 2/ mini-series wtf ??? 6 episodes in season 1, returning for a second season... That's not a mini serie for me :s )

Enough bittering lol today Downton Abbey !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I did'nt know it was coming back so soon I was VERY pleased :D
and I LOVED IT !!! Sybil is the best!!! I love what they're doing with and I love her and Tom. They are so sweet !!! And also Bates and Anna... They are my 2 favourite couples !!! :D I was so sad for Bates (but Robert will save his butler yes/yes ??? XD )
Also Thomas broke my heart. I knew he wouldn't bear war but his end scene was so hard !! I loved it because it really shows that the war was really hard and traumatizing when with Matthew it seems... not so bad... (not great obviously but Thomas really showed us the suffering of soldiers more than Matthew).
And to finish... i was looking at the Dowton Abbey tag on tumblr and... there are fan of matthew/mary ???? REALLY ???? Matthew is ok, but Mary ??????? She's just a selfish brat! she deserves to be miserable after what she has done ! She's selfish, cold, self interested. I HATE HER !!! and she's the only one I hate on this show !

and to finish... because of tumblr... TEDDY AS A FIREFIGHTER !!!!!!! FUCK YEAH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

and now meme time ! because i have to finish it one day XD sorry about the 10 days in a raw XD

Day 21 - A moment, character, quote -ANYTHING- from one of your fandoms that had a great impact on your life
A great impact on my life...
it's quite hard to say in fact, I don't remember clearly of one moment. Some fandoms impacted on my life, but no special moment or character...

Day 22 - How you first got into being a fangirl
I think I was born a fangirl XD really I remember fangirling over Little princess when I was 4 or 5, next playing Cat's eyes with friends, discovering Star Wars... XD
My fangirlism increased when I started reading Star Wars books and when Internet came into my life. i was on forums talking about Star Wars everyday with other geeks XD
And when I discovered manga fangirlism became my way of life :D

Day 23 - The silliest nerd/fangirl argument you’ve ever gotten into with someone
We have a lot of silly arguments on who is better than who with the x-posse :p
I think the silliest was with my first boyfriend. Back then I was a huge Friends fan, he was a huge Ally McBeal fan... and sometimes we could talk about it for like an hour to proove our point...

Day 24 - A town, city or village in a fandom of yours that you’ve always wanted to live in
SO MUCH !!!!!!!

Coruscant (Star Wars)

The Tardis (Doctor Who)

Tony Star's house (with Tony Stark please :D )

Day 25 - Do you celebrate character birthdays? If so, tell us about the best character b-day party that you’ve ever thrown!
No... XD
I'm not good at birthdays so remembering character's birthday is too hard for me XD

Day 26 - A fandom of yours that you feel is vastly underappreciated

Ok the books are bad, the movie is even worse but... MURTAAAAAAAAGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!! ERAGONxRORAN ! ERAGONxMURTAGH ! And Saphira rocks !!!

ok let's finish as the rest is simple lol

Day 27 - Your favorite meme concerning one of your fandoms
X-men first class meme !!!! (the only one I did lol)

Day 28 - Do you have a fandom tattoo? If you don’t and want to get one (or hypothetically wanted to get one), what would it be of?
I will never get a tatoo even less a fandom related one... so...

Day 29 - If you plan on having children, would you name one of them after your favorite characters? If so, explain.
Yoda and Face of Boe great names I tell you

Day 30 -The reason why you’re proud to be the nerdy fangirl that you are
Because we're not afraid of doing this in the Natural history museum !

<3333333333333333333333 x-posse !!!!!!!!!!

because we're not afraid to die in front of celebrities and to ask them for hugs !


Day 01 - Your favorite all-time fandom(s)
Day 02 - Your current fandom
Day 03 - First fandom, the one that made you the fangirl you are today

Day 04 -First, current, or favorite fandom crush
Day 05 - Your fandom secret

Day 06 -Favorite song that brings fangirl tears to your eyes
Day 07 - Your OTP(s)

Day 08 - A fandom that you thought you wouldn’t get sucked into, but ended up getting sucked into anyway
Day 09 - One of your favorite characters

Day 10 - Your favorite scene or moment from one of your favorite fandoms
Day 11 - The fan art, fan fiction, cover song, cosplay, etc. that you’ve made that you’re most proud of

Day 12 - Your favorite fanartist or fanfiction writer
Day 13 - The best cosplayers of your fandom that you’ve seen; the ones you
consider to be real-life versions of your favorite characters, OTP, etc.
Day 14 - A group of characters from one of your fandoms you’d love to hang out with for a day

Day 15 -Your favorite collectible/merchandise from your fandom that you most cherish, or one that you wished you owned
Day 16 - A quote from one of your fandoms that you love
Day 17 - Your favorite piece of art, be it original or a fan art, from your favorite fandom
Day 18 - An instance where you turned a friend into a fangirl
Day 19 - A theory (be it legitimate or completely crack) that you have always had about one of your fandoms
Day 20 - A character from a fandom whose clothes, hair, or features you’ve always admired
Day 21 - A moment, character, quote -ANYTHING- from one of your fandoms that had a great impact on your life
Day 22 - How you first got into being a fangirl
Day 23 - The silliest nerd/fangirl argument you’ve ever gotten into with someone
Day 24 - A town, city or village in a fandom of yours that you’ve always wanted to live in
Day 25 - Do you celebrate character birthdays? If so, tell us about the best character b-day party that you’ve ever thrown!
Day 26 - A fandom of yours that you feel is vastly underappreciated
Day 27 - Your favorite meme concerning one of your fandoms
Day 28 - Do you have a fandom tattoo? If you don’t and want to get one (or hypothetically wanted to get one), what would it be of?
Day 29 - If you plan on having children, would you name one of them after your favorite characters? If so, explain.
Day 30 -The reason why you’re proud to be the nerdy fangirl that you are

doctor who, downton abbey, young avengers, the office, meme

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