Tongue porn you say ?

Aug 17, 2008 23:19

Just watch the exorcism of emily rose.
YES it frightened me XD I'm too sensitive maybe but all the things that happens at night with the lawyer...
Anyway, I found it quite good because it isn't horror but the story of a trial and it was well done.
But... I have to say that I prefer when it is the Winchester who made the exorcisms ^o^ much hotter and less scary lol (hm latin speaking!Jared...) And now I have a huge need to see some Supernatural eps...

Tonight i have 2 obsessions :
- Tobey Maguire because of the Satan's Alley trailer that I watched 5 times today XD I even consider to see again spiderman... (yes I'm bad)
- Tongue porn because of Milo (filmed by adrian)... and that made me think of the Joker and of David Tennant in HP... TONGUE PORN RULES GUYS ! (I need a tongue porn icon... idea of where to find one ?)

porn, supernatural, movie

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