Well, I didn't really expect to be on par for today, in fact I expect to be behind for a while, between baseball and bigbanghood still taking time, NaNo...can wait. However accomplishments for the day include
-Having set my mind to it after Nov. technically started it counts, that before I wrote word one I completely scrapped my initial idea for a new one and was thinking about it as I was falling asleep last night.
-Defining character names and ages for the first section of the story.
-Deciding to keep a
yWriter file for this and figuring out how that works (more or less) Note for anyone interested, it seems like an awesome program, but one problem is it doesn't have an in line spell/grammar check. Now if you're being literal with NaNo rules that maybe that's okay but for me it's not like typos take that long to fix as I'm going and I'd really like to not discover them randomly later. Although on the flip side not have to look at word underlining basically every single character name might be a plus.
-~300 words of BBH fic plus BBH chat this afternoon
-Discovering that starting your main character off doing futuristic skydiving is a good way to get the excitement going for the story.
-1,135 NaNo words, which isn't to be sneezed at. Not great, not on par, but not bad.