Robin Hood 3x02
First the Hotness report:
Robin looked better this week, not sure what it was but he did.
However the Crazy Locks of Grief bothered me more this time. What is this static total of Robin and Guy hotness (even if still very weighted in Guy’s favor)? Except for the finale scene where Guy was back in just a regular shirt, that’s just too sexy for words.
Tuck looked better in his armor, even if his having it didn’t make sense.
Allan is pretty. Much is cute.
Biggish Points
I have very little opinion on Kate yet. Which is maybe a step up from my expectation to dislike her. Or could just be that once characters exist in reality my expected levels drop out a lot and I form opinions on what happens.
Kate doesn’t get great introduction, starting with some serious stupidity, would it have been so hard to wait until out of immediate sight before slipping stuff to the brother? But at least she does get caught doing it, and she’s not a great fighter in that scene, she lashes out and runs away I could probably accept that. But then reusing Marian’s mad rush into battle and seeming quite capable at it…yeah that one didn’t work so well with me.
I like that she isn’t enamored with the gang and in fact would sell them out in exchange for her brother (which should tell you something about Tuck’s ‘Robin as bright shiny beacon’ right there). There are some potential aspects or her story that I’d really like to see but I’m not sure we will. Such as her giving us a somewhat less favorable look at the gang from the eyes of the peasantry.
However, as another new character enters the ‘could be okay, give them a chance’ box, Tuck is making a rather hasty exit. Seriously, the last thing Robin needs on his gang is someone who thinks Robin image is more important than the lives and freedoms of hundreds of peasants. I think I may in fact have hated Tuck in this episode, which when I can understand the Sheriff’s actions against my remaining favorite character but find Tuck’s attitudes horrifying, well there might be a big issue here.
Robin’s speech in the end, seeing as it was prompted by Tuck’s philosophy of stupid I’m blaming Tuck for, even if I do want to slap Robin too. Seriously I’m scared *of* Robin right now. I don’t think he’d make a very good rebellion leader; I don’t think he has the faintest clue what to do with an army he got talked into starting; and I think all of this is totally contrary to his goals of the first two seasons. Especially when we start getting this huge push on the Robin is so awesome front (maybe he just wants to usurp Much’s place as head of the Robin fan club) is the same episode where we finally see some (admittedly poorly worded) evidence that not everybody is with Robin in this fight just makes it extra wrong.
I’m hoping for Tuck’s prediction regarding Kate soon being ready to fight bites him in the ass, because who’s to say who she’ll decide to fight? Guy’s ready to fight everyone but that doesn’t mean they should be recruiting him.
What, you didn’t think I’d get out of the big issues without some of Guy? The Sheriff and Guy games going on were wonderful, As usual Vasey is playing much better than Guy, but Guy got in a few surprise moves of his own before he got trumped. With the exception of not just killing Robin when the chance presented itself, I do understand the Sheriff’s actions here, including throwing Guy to the wolves, because Guy has always been a tool to him and so isn’t worth the trouble any more. This is likely to have some serious impacts in coming weeks.
More thoughts:
I like Much’s crush on Kate. Partly because I’ve been thinking it would be interesting to see Much have more in his life than Robin and maybe get some reaction from Robin on the deal. I actually think this could be way interesting as opposed to the inevitable Robin/Kate shenanigans.
I really hope Tuck isn’t the second in command, because the gang would fall apart pretty quickly if that happens, or get themselves killed. Who would have thought someone would have a stupider philosophy than Robin?
The Robin and Guy scene of the week was really quite interesting. I feel like Robin is completely right about Guy’s self loathing even though I’m not sure Guy realizes that yet, but how Robin got to that diagnosis could be an interesting story. And then when Guy goes to stab him again and Vasey makes a comment about Guy always being too quick to kill, made me think of Marian too.
However since they are keeping continuity on Guy’s issues, wasn’t Robin a bit smiley this week? Sure Guy has loads more demons but still it bugged me.
Who built those big arrow things now that Will is gone? I’m not alone in thinking this I know, but it’s kind of glaring.
Oh cracky escape scenes, don’t ever change,
I’m loving the Allan-Much dynamic that’s been building up.
Aww, Robin wuvs King Richard, even after the King left them to die in the desert and Marian got killed defending him. Which also lent a sort of interesting undercurrent to Robin’s dealing with the Irish boys, he didn’t really support the cause because he’s a good English boy and doesn’t want to foster rebellion against the crown and is completely blind to irony.
This plot really needed Will, and failing that Marian, it’s just the sort of plot they would have shown in, but I should really get used to this whole not seeing them issues I suppose.
Overall, not as engaging as last week, and aside from the Sheriff-Guy plots not a lot of character development aside from making me pissed at Tuck. I still don’t have high hopes for Kate either, but she hasn’t started saying Robin’s status is the most important thing in the universe yet so I’m not as focused on her as I am on the fall of Tuck in my estimation.