Jan 24, 2009 00:37

[Character Name] Luke Skywalker
[Canon] Star Wars

[Age] 19
[Gender] Male
[Sexual Orientation] Heterosexual

[Eye Color] Blue
[Hair Color] Er... dirty blonde-ish
[Height] 1.72 meters
[Other] None; this Luke is BEFORE he gets his hand chopped off. :D;;
[Clothing] Kinda like this only with a brown jacket to match his pants.

Luke Skywalker was raised by his aunt and uncle on the planet Tatooine, a desert world where farmers harvested precious moisture from the air. Naturally, he was bored of his simple life, and would often try to find various ways to alleviate his boredom with his friends at Toshie Station; which, more often than not, would get him in a host of trouble. Before he's even seen in Star Wars, he's already grounded for damaging his T-16 Skyhopper.

At any rate, Luke's whole life was changed when his uncle happened to pick up two droids from Jawa traders one day: an R2 unit named R2-D2 and a protocol droid by the name of C-3PO. While trying to clean up the R2 unit, however, he stumbled upon a message from an Alderaanian princess, begging for help from an Obi-Wan Kenobi. Believing the R2 unit when it said it could play back the entire recording with the restraining bolt off, Luke exercised his amazing intelligence (*heavy sarcasm*) and popped it off. Of course, the recording did not play at all, and without the restraining bolt, the little droid took off into the desert while Luke was away.

With Threepio's help, he was able to chase down the little droid the following morning, though he ended up right in the sights of a Tuskin Raider hunting party as a result. Just when it looked like he was going he was going to die, Luke did the courageous thing... and passed out cold. Fortunately, his life was spared, thanks to the desert hermit, Old Ben, coming to his rescue and chasing the Tuskin Raiders away. This wouldn't be the first time that Old Ben saved Luke from certain death; he saved him from being arrested in a murder case a few years before, as well as saved him and his friend Windy from being eaten by a krayt dragon, and saved again from another krayt dragon when his T-16 was damaged.

Old Ben revealed himself to really be Obi-Wan Kenobi, the man Artoo was looking for, and took Luke and the droids back to his dwelling where they would be safe. There, Ben and Luke spoke of the boy's father, while the later fixed up Threepio (who had fallen off a cliff during the Tusken attack, severing his arm). Old Ben revealed to him that his father wasn't a navigator on a spice freighter like his uncle had led him to believe, but really a Jedi Knight that fought in the Clone Wars. He then gave Luke his father's old lightsaber, the weapon and symbol of a Jedi Knight, and revealing that he too had the potential to use the Force like his father and all other Jedi before him. Of course, this wasn't too much of a surprise to Luke, who had been subconsciously using the Force since he was four years old, he just didn't know what it was. Finally, Obi-Wan got Artoo to play the message the droid had teased Luke with the night before.

The message was from Princess Leia Organa, who had been on a secret mission to recover the plans for the Imperial armored battle station known as the Death Star, but was captured while she had been trying to get in touch with the former Old Republic general. The plans were inside of the R2 unit, and they had to be delivered to the king of Alderaan before the Empire actually used the battle station's ultimate weapon. Obi-Wan insisted that Luke had to come with him if he wanted to learn the ways of the Force, but Luke refused; he needed to get home to his aunt and uncle, already knowing that he was in a heap of trouble for being gone so long, though he agrees to take Ben as far as Anchorhead.

On the way to Anchorhead, however, the group comes upon a heavily damaged sandcrawler and the remains of the Jawas that had controlled it. Luke initially thinks that it was because of an attack from the Tuskin Raiders, but Ben points out that it was just a ruse, and only Imperial Stormtroopers could be so precise in their attack. When Luke realizes that these were the same Jawas that sold them R2 and 3PO, he rushes home without Ben or the droids, but he is already far too late. His home has already been destroyed, and all that remains of his aunt and uncle are charred skeletons.

After burying their remains, Luke returns to Obi-Wan, agreeing to go with him to Alderaan, and also learn the ways of the Force and become a Jedi like his father (the point where everyone in the fandom goes "NOT QUITE", but I digress). They travel to Mos Eisley space port, managing to avoid the suspicions of the Stormtroopers thanks to Ben and the Force, and go into the Cantina to hire a pilot. After some negotiation, they hire Han Solo and his wookiee companion Chewbacca, before having to high tail it out of there before they were caught by Imperials.

After getting the money for the initial payment for Han's services, they escape from Tatooine, though not without nearly getting shot down by the Imperials. While in transit to the Alderaan system, Ben begins training Luke in the Force, teaching him how to reach out with his feelings. After many (hilarious) failed attempts, Luke managed to succeed in blocking an attack from a remote with his lightsaber, taking his first step into a much larger world.

When they arrived at Alderaan, however... well, there wasn't much left but what Han initially thought was a meteor storm. However, the massive rocks were what was left of the planet itself, blown away by the Death Star... which was still nearby. Thanks to Han's pigheadedness, they end up drawn into the space station, though manage to elude capture thanks to the smuggling compartments built into the Millennium Falcon. After capturing a control room, Ben sets out to free the ship from the Death Star's powerful tractor beam alone, leaving Han and Luke to wait it out. While there, R2 discovers that Princess Leia is still alive... for the moment, as she is scheduled to be executed.

After talking Han into it, Luke and Han and Chewbacca go off to save her, managing somehow to succeed in that AND escaping from the Imperials AND making it back to the Millennium Falcon in one piece. As they're about to make their escape however, Luke sees Obi-Wan fighting against Darth Vader... and Obi-Wan subsequently allowing himself to be cut down for Luke's sake. Luke screams, stormtroopers start shooting; the only way they didn't get caught again was because Luke was lucky enough to shoot the door closed before Vader and more troops arrived. They escape from the Death Star, with Luke and Han shooting down the TIE fighters sent to intercept them.

They travel to the Rebellion base at Yavin IV (unknowingly being tailed by the Death Star thanks to a tracking device placed on the Falcon), where the information in R2 is decrypted and a plan is formed to take out the battle station. Long story short (because space battles are only epic when watched), Luke ends up blowing the Death Star to hell and everyone is happy, except for Darth Vader, as he ends up cartwheeling around in space for a few hours.

The rest gets a little fuzzy, as there is SO MUCH to Star Wars canon outside of the movies, that it's hard to sort it all into something that makes sense, but I'll do my best.

Not long after the success of the Battle of Yavin, he's sent on a mission to rescue newly recruited Rebel Agent Tycho Celchu from Imperial capture. He is sent out along with a Lieutenant Sarkli, who turns out to be an Imperial spy that nearly kills them both, though they manage to escape.

At one point, Luke ends up being dragged around by Leia after Han, who had gone off after hearing about a treasure hidden away in an ancient fortress. Of course, they don't end up catching him, though he ends up returning with 500,000 credits for the Alliance to rebuild their fleet, seeing as most of it was wiped out against the Death Star. Leia is speechless, while Luke just thinks Han did it to impress her. While acquiring new X-wings, however, Luke and the others are attacked by a squadron of TIE fighters. Stuck on a derelict that barely works, Luke gets the vessel's weapons working, and ends up using the Force to see where the TIE fighters are so he can shoot them down.

With the new X-wings, the Alliance reforms Red Squadron, with Commander Narra as Red Leader, and Luke as second in command despite his lack of combat experience. The squadron is divided into two flights: Renegade under Narra and Rogue under Luke.

Knowing that they will have to abandon their Yavin base, the rebellion sends out several members to scout for a new base, Luke among them. One of the places he goes to is the Sil‘Lume asteroid belt, where he gets caught up in a struggle to rescue a man named Erling Tredway, who is the son of a Jedi Knight as well. Tredway is more than a little reluctant to be rescued by Luke, as his blind faith in the Force clashes with his dislike of the power that led to his father's death. This of course changes when Tredway is forced to rely on his abilities to make a blind hyperspace jump or risk getting the both of them killed by Darth Vader.

During another hunt for a new base, Luke and Leia are jumped by Imperials. Han comes to their rescue, but the Millennium Falcon is damaged, and they are forced to land on Ord Mantell to make repairs. While there, Luke and Leia are kidnapped by Skorr, a bounty hunter anxious for the price on Han Solo's head. Once again, Han saves the day, and they get out of there while they still can.

After learning of Darth Vader's new pet project, the Super Star Destroyer Executor, the Alliance sends Luke into the shipyard it's being built at as a technician in hopes of meeting up with several Rebellion sympathizers and sabotaging the project. The information turns out to be a trap, however, as Luke finds himself nearly getting killed, yet again, but while his contacts were captured, Luke was able to escape with help. During his escape, he ends up caught up in his savior's troubles, captured and made a slave by the Serpent Masters. Of course, this doesn't last long, as Luke manages to discover how the Serpent Masters are using massive serpents of the world to control the people, and while exposing this, also manages to kill the leaders of the Serpent Masters, freeing the people as well. Luke is reunited with the Rebellion just in time to go with Han and Chewie to Kabal, where Leia is; and unfortunately, so is the Empire, as news of Kabal's defiance has reached Imperial ears. They rescue her, and what follows is a massive whirlwind of clusterfucks as Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie try to reunite with the rest of the Rebellion. I'll spare you the details; it's boring and really not very relevant -- it's just adding to the fact that Luke's life has taken a drastic change from his farmboy origins.

Finally after all these adventures, the group goes back to Yavin IV... or at least, tries to. A passing contact through the Force with Darth Vader while on board the Millennium Falcon causes Luke to collapse in shock. Aaaaand... lets bring him in at that point, because I'm on page 760 of 1300 of this timeline and my brain is starting to hurt.

Luke has a tendency to be a bit naive and quite innocent, and often does what his heart tells him to do instead of his own good common sense. His adventures in the Alliance have helped him get over his whiny teenager phase, but he is still a teenager, so it'll happen. He has a strong lust for adventure and excitement -- which often gets him into trouble -- and also a strong sense of justice -- which usually gets him OUT of trouble. Usually.

Luke is very strong in the Force, and while he is largely untrained, he can still use it when he really focuses. His abilities may also activate unconsciously -- like if he is working on something and blindly reaching for a tool just out of his reach, anyone watching will more often than not see that tool magically gravitate toward his hand.

[Affection] Luke's rather friendly once you get to know him. Handshakes, slaps on the back from guys and hugs from girls are all nice and welcome. Kisses from girls would probably have him sputtering incoherently and blushing like crazy. Farmboys, what can I say?
[Fighting] Well, despite his mad Force skills, Luke's just a normal human being, so he can be killed. As far as his fighting ability is concerned, he's pretty decent with a blaster and a natural swordsman. He's also a skilled pilot, preferring an X-wing even over his beloved Skyhopper at this point; not that that will do him much good here. Feel free to pick fights with him, just expect him to dish it right back out (if reluctantly).

[Other Facts] Nothing that I can think of at the moment.

ooc, profile

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