[ Date ] 01.26.09
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"Use the Force, Luke."
It was Old Ben, his voice echoing in his head as he barreled down the trench on the Death Star, heading straight for that minuscule exhaust port that would be the key to saving everyone. Luke could almost see his mentor, hovering just outside the cockpit of his X-wing starfighter. Use the Force... he hesitated a moment, looking between the ghostly image and the computer that would help him make the impossible shot...
"Luke, trust me..."
Luke paused again, before settling back in his seat, turning the computer off. Almost immediately he could hear the voices of people from the command center in his headset.
"Luke, you switched off your targeting computer. What's wrong?" came an authoritative voice.
"Nothing," he replied, "I'm all right."
Luke could almost picture the bewildered expressions in the command center, but he pushed it aside as he tried to concentrate. It came to him almost easily here in space, and he could almost see the flow of energy around him, tracing the rough and cold lines of the Death Star trench, leading his sight all the way to the exhaust port. He felt his hands moving the control yolk, tilting his fighter at just the right angle, lining up... and...
His finger squeezed the trigger, and he could see two proton torpedoes flying right into the exhaust port as he pulled up, a breath he hadn't realized he had been holding escaping from him in a woosh. He was already accelerating away as fast as he could from the battle station, voices shouting in his ear.
"It went in?!" Han was shouting. "It went right in?!"
"Luke, did you seriously...?" came Wedge's voice.
"Y-yeah," he gasped out. "Yeah, it went right in."
Agonizing minutes passed as they flew away. One minute. Two. The Death Star should have blown up by now... it was supposed to blow up right about now...
"What the hell happened?!" Wedge shouted.
"The torpedoes... they must have been dead," came Han's grimly over his headset, a mournful braying from Chewbacca a moment later. Luke felt his heart race; no... this wasn't how it was supposed to go... no...
"I... I have to go back!" he shouted. "I have to make another run!"
"There's no time, kid!" Han shouted back.
As if to put emphasis on the smuggler's point, he could see the deadly green of the Death Star's primary weapon starting to power up... and...
It happened so fast. He knew he was screaming, but he couldn't hear himself as Yavin's fourth moon -- and the Rebel base along with it -- was turned into nothing but glowing hot fragments of rock thanks to the destructive superlaser of the massive battle station...
[ *Luke starts screaming in the middle of Raven's tavern, before he rolls over... and falls right off the couch he had fallen asleep on. He raises his head, dazed, before the log ends.* ]