While I might be disenchanted with SPN at the moment at least the show continues to give me inspiration for Nanowrimo. Which I'm going to attempt again this year. I think, instead of making an entirely new novel I'm just going to do a sequel to last year's novel.
Last year's novel also was a product of too much discussion on what SPN was doing wrong. The basic premise being that a bi-ish (the character is based on my dear friend JuBean which is why the character self-identifies as bi-ish.) hawaiian IT girl who's suddenly pounced on by angels and told she has to go find the Archangel Michael. Hijinks ensue because I was more influenced by Lamb than by the Prophecy. The story ended with her realizing she had to go to Lebanon because she no longer trusted the angels.
The entire whole moral/thought/idea/premise/whatever is that righteous doesn't automatically equal good. Of course my MC then changed it into Mei needs to be laid. So I'm dying to write the second part, where she's waylaid in Libya because her plane was hijacked and she meets bedouins and possible a hot chick that is piped right into Angel Radio network but ISN'T an angel. (as that annoyed me when Anna ended up angellic) And who knows, there might be random pirates. It's a big desert.
Did anyone else know they were remaking Red Dawn? I didn't until I went trawling for JDM pictures (I needed a fix, especially with all the jewelry he's sporting to catch men's eyes. *giggle*) Anyway, came across a posting that said he was going to be in the new Red Dawn. Now...ok, he's not a Wolverine, he's playing the Powers Booth character, but um...really?!? Is everything from my childhood going to be new again? Also, this is going to be a Home and Away reunion (and if you have no idea what I'm talking about feel free to ignore) as both Chris Helmsworth (playing Jed) and Isabela Lucas (playing Erica). There's also going to be a Cruise in it (happily for me, Conner not his father Tom) so we'll see. I am wondering if they're going to keep the original plot or update it. Hmm...might be a topic for the Geekachicas.
Unfortunately, Patrick Swayze just passed but I wonder if they'll have any of the other's from the original movie in as a cameo? That'd rock!
If they were going to keep the original premise (that of the story of a small town in the middle of the invasion by Russians and Cubans) they should film in Duluth, MN and not Detriot. For one, because it really IS picturesque Americana town. Second, for the incredibly selfish reason that my sister lives above the Sheraton, which is the only big really nice hotel in the city. She could totally kidnap JDM and send him to India for me! Hee!