Its been a while

May 30, 2005 23:31

So its been a while and like usual im writeing in here when im depressed or something. Yes, of course its over relatipnships andd girls and me being loenly i hate it, it is so fucking painfull like right now i keep haveing this buring surging like pain go up and down throug my body and its hard to breath and im eyes are watery and i realize im a sad little person that needs to realize that i will probaly have to love outa convience and that all though i can say i have lots of friends i dont think any really know me tho like maybe a few which i do feel lucky for but as usual i reall think if i didnt contact them they wouldnt contact me like one would i know and i did jsut get aver need IM but idk i jsut wanna fucking cry and cry i hate being alone it scares the hell out of me and makes me think about stuff i dotn wanna and then stupid college doesnt help things i do liek the ppl i ahve met and the times but it ruins any chance id proably have at anything with anyone for a long time ouuccch my face hurts liek me teeth and stuff and ppl dotn think i wrting so u feel srry im writing to get this shit out so i can sleep. I really dont know any more and like now i feel like a bad friend to those of u that really do care and stuff so if u do consider me like a real freind and all then im srry but im jsut sayig how i feel right now. Thank god im a can dream it keeps me alive.

Well happier note i did get to go to Lansing and hang out which was really fun had soem good pizza met some cool ppl saw a two friends and got to drink i wish i could have stayed up there another night ill start job soon which = money so i can do it more often and for longer stays if job allows me time. Ppl u are also welcome here anytime to even if i seem busy or even if i really am if ujsut wanna get out or something as long as it isnt work im pretty sure u can coem along its fun havein ppl along on a daily day well to me but then again that doesnt say much.
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