harry potter! (':

Jun 19, 2011 08:46

because i am procrastinating my life away and have three assessments in the next week, it's the perfect time to post up a harry potter meme! (':

What’s your house?

i'm a general slytherin bc i am sneaky and a bitch so yeah. whoo hoo. but i do like the sound of gryffindor dorms! TOASTY MARSHMELLOW PARTIES, GRYFFINDOR WOULD TOTALLY HAVE THOSE. slytherin would probs be better for me bitching all the time BC NO ONE WILL CARE. everyone would be doing it, whoo hoo! :P

if i'm answering seriously though, all the seriously legit sorting hat quizzes which you can't guess the answers put me in slytherin. so yeah, i'm probs a bona fide slytherin :3

What animal would you bring to Hogwarts?

a cat. although i would love an owl. maybe i will teach my cat to deliver letters to the post office.

What is your blood status?

well obvs i am... a pureblood...

What is your wand type?


ummm actually i think i would have a 10 inch, willow and phoenix feather wand. OMG THE WILLOW I GET MY WAND FROM WOULD OBVS BE THE WHOMPING WILLOW. my wand would be supercrazy and awesome.

What is your Patronus?

probs a big cat. like a cheetah.

What does Amortentia smell like to you?

the air after/just before rain

What does a Boggart look like to you?

edward cullen

What is your favorite class?

charms, dada or transfiguration! anything where i can see physical change or i'm doing something active! potions is a bit too static for me. too much like cooking... which i probs suck at...

Who is your favorite professor?

... SLUGHORN. we can chill in the slug club and i'll date some rich guy i meet there. it's all good!

What is your favorite magical creature?


ummm tbh i like nifflers. money is always good! although if i can train the niffler to find me bargain deals at stores, then that will be good too

What is your favorite magical food/beverage?

butterbeer sounds godly. do want!

What is your favorite magical object?


... ummm probably a pensive! it's like, a really nice diary! that you don't even have to write in! same thing, less effort. awesomes!

What is your preferred method of magical transportation?

broomstick. i'm pretty sure i'd be an awesome chaser...

Which Quidditch team do you support?

lol idk THE ONE I WOULD INEVITABLY BE ON, obviously. luls omg imagine the australian quidditch team in the world cup, filled with bogan wizards wearing wifebeaters...

What would you see in the Mirror of Erised?

me working a great, high profile job, wearing a fabulous outfit and killer shoes. maybe a pet living in my desk drawer. looking over this answer, i feel very materialistic because everyone put things like me and the people i love together being happy ://////

What is your opinion on using the Dementor’s Kiss as punishment?

it's pretty much death. i mean, why not kill the person? WHAT IS THE POINT OF THE DEMENTOR'S KISS. WHAT IS IT.

Which of the Deathly Hallows would you choose?

the cloak, obviously. i mean why is this even a question. THE THIRD BROTHER LIVED FOR A REASON, YOU KNOW.

What is your favorite spell?

ooowahh. ummm expecto patronum? luls idk.

THE BAT BOGEY HEX. i'll make all my enemies ugly as.

What is your favorite potion?

felix felicis sounds tasty. LIKE A POCKETFUL OF SUNSHINE.

also having all the luck in the world would be so amazing

Dumbledore’s Army or the Inquisitorial Squad?

DUMBLEDORE'S ARMY but i would join the inquisitorial squad to smarmy up to malfoy

What job would you like to pursue after school?

ummm idk the quibbler editor hur durrr

What would you do with the Philosopher’s Stone if given the chance?

i would make it into a ginormous ring and wear it. you know, hide things in plain sight...

If you were an Animagus, what would you be?

ummm i would be a wild cat. like a panther or something idk

Would you ever put your name in the Goblet of Fire?

hahahaha maybe... but eternal glory doesn't really appeal to me. THE GALLEONS DO, HOWEVER.

What is the first thing you buy when you walk into Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes?

the wildfire whizbangs! or maybe some of their patented daydream charms! i will put a hankerchief under me just in case i drool. i would like to try a skiving snackbox, but i am wondering, HOW WOULD YOU EAT THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CANDY IF YOU EAT A FAINTING FANCY? HOW DOES THAT EVEN WORK.

What is the first thing you buy when you walk into Honeydukes?

honeycomb! or something idk. sugar quill!

How do you feel about Muggles?

poor beings hurr durr

How do you feel about House Elves?

i feel like this is a very contentious issue so i am not going to answer this question

Would you prefer to transfer to Beauxbatons or Durmstrang?

beauxbatons because they have ice sculptures! or something! also i bet it's in like, a really nice french chateau or something, as compared to durmstrang which is probs like, gloomy and shit. ): ):

Would you ever use a love potion on someone?

... no, don't want to end up like riddle's mother! i forgot her name, but you know. merope! that's her name ://///

What is the first spell you think of if you need to defend yourself?

... luls an unforgivable or something IDKKK

ahhhh i really miss reading harry potter. i might after my exams and have more time! anyway i must get back to sparta and lycurgus' reforms so yeah, farewell. i might do some more commenting on everyone's entries and stuff after this week ends! or maybe in a fortnight or so, idk. i just have way too much going on right now, it's kind of depressing )':

talk to all of you guys soon! in the meantime, you could probably stalk me on twitter or tumblr or something! my twitter username is the same as here, and i'm heart-train on tumblr (:

meme again, harry potter! harry potter!

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