Oct 02, 2008 23:37
with only a few weeks until election day, i suppose i can finally discuss my political views here.
it's no secret that i'm a republican. as taylor likes to put it, "i believe every day is july 4th, not april 15th." let me start by commeding governor palin on a job well done tonight. the nation watched her every move, every blink, with bated breath for a slip up or moment of weakness. she was confident and charismatic. no deer in the headlights moments. she was prepared. while i have my doubts about her abiltity to run the free world, i have a lot more respect for her tonight. she isn't like the others. but let's face it - the others got us into this foreign and domestic mess. maybe we really do need a change, but she doesn't have to make it her slogan for people to know she's fresh and dynamic.
i dont believe that my parents, who have both held the same job for over 20 years and worked their buts off, from the bottom up, should have to pay about 25,000 dollars more in taxes next year. (that's a legitimate estimate, by the way. our accountant ran it himself based on the plans set forth by senator obama.)
my parents have not held out their hand for welfare. food stamps never bought the meals in our home. i was not granted a penny from the government to cover the cost of my tution at a state university. we didn't buy a home or a car we couldn't afford. neither of my parents has ever purchased a new car. ever. as a middle-class family, we felt the economy tug at our purse strings. at publix. at 7-11. the list goes on and on.
i believe in hard work. i understand that while we like to think that we live in a nation where every child has the same oppotunities, that doesn't always hold up. but i do believe there are resources within reach for the less fortunate who have the drive to live that infamous american dream - there are certainly far more grants and scholarships available.
i agree that we're having a health care and a social security crisis and that neither party has an answer i agree with. i think we can all agree that we need reform and we need it soon.
i am against abortion. it is not an easy way out. is the product of rape any less important than that of two happily married parents? does that child not deserve life? there are loving families who would give that child a wonderful life through adoption, should the mother choose that avenue.
i believe in exploring our alternative energy options for the sake of the earth as well as our economy. i think we've made incredible headway with hybrid and electric cars and alternative fuels. i support research to continue those endeavors and a decreased dependence on foreign oil.
this war has become a mess, i think few people would disagree. we destroyed the structure of a region and are attempting to change their government and, in many ways, their culture. i don't think we should be the democracy police. i do think, however, that we're in this now. "coulda, shoulda, woulda" won't bring our troops home. pulling out tomorrow is not the answer. protesting in washington and on campus wont end this, it didn't work in vietnam - it isn't going to work now. if you want to be heard, take meaningful action. write your congressmen and women, they represent your interests and they control the funding for this war.
it's time for us to rally, whoever we may be, whatever ideology we may subscribe to. apathy has no place in this election or in this nation. if the economic crisis in our midst isn't wake up call enough, as a generation it's time to face the reality that we'll be the ones paying for these hard times.
if there was ever a time to care and get involved (if only by informing yourself from the comfort of your own home) that time is now. you'll have 4 years (maybe 8!) to regret your ignorance or apathy in these next few weeks if you don't.
(oh yeah, i forgot to mention i saw president bill clinton speak here yesterday...more on that later!)