Oct 01, 2007 16:34
I'm taking a break from writing a six-page English paper on legacy admissions that's due on Wednesday (I'm on my fourth page). I thought I would whine and complain about having to write about a topic that does not interest me, but actually, this one does. I'm learning how Ivy League institutions tend to favor kids that come from a family of alumni because they know that they're far more likely to contribute a large sum of money to the school. It kind of made me wonder whether I was unknowingly a victim to this. I was, after all, once a high school senior who had anxieties over being accepted or rejected by a university that I applied to. I was reading an article online this morning about prejudice among Asian Americans at universities. It was funny because a year ago, back when I applied to colleges, I joked to my friend that they won't accept me because they'll look at my application and go, "Eh, another Asian. NEXT!" That's in reference to the stereotype that all Asians are smart and good at math. I thought that maybe admission officers were tired of always accepting Asians because they're almost all qualified for the school and they want another ethnicity to dominate the charts. Hehe... Random thoughts for you all.
Remaining in the topic of English, I got my first in-class back today and I got a C. She specifically told us though, that getting a C in her class is a good thing because she has a high standard so a C in her rule book is still college-level. Whatever. She wrote me a note at the bottom of my paper though, saying that I was a good (underlined twice) writer. Kinda helped my ego, but I still hate her class.
For some odd reason, I like the feeling of being challenged. That, for me, is my sole motivation for always improving. So that C paper is really making me concentrate on my synthesis paper and make it glow with awesomeness. That paper is going to kick my professor's ass.
I can't believe I'm already on my fourth week of college. The love still hasn't faded though, which still surprises me to this day. Hah.
Okay, back to work.