Alrighty then! The newest episode of Atlantis is up next. So, now?
McKay = not cool and such a big w00by. Beckett = love. McKay/Beckett = theirloveissoscientificphilosophy!
ATA. Ancient Technology Activation. And, later in the episode, Beckett and Grodin's nicknames for McKay? Mr. Invincible and Captain Untouchable? And Mckay's "It must be a transporter!" Love how the Atlantis crew is getting into the swing of giving names to things. And how John likes to smack them down.
John pushing McKay over the railing? Bwah! I ♥ John and his evil grin as he gleefully told Weir that he'd shot McKay in the leg. They are such little kids and Weir is so their exasperated mother. download does not have the opening sequence. Dammit!!!! Must now wait for it to come on SciFi channel tonight. Yay for the Skiffy channel's compulsive need to re-air Stargate episodes!!! ETA: Have now seen it. Ehhh, didn't think it was too good, and the opening theme? Not very inspiring. Though Atlantis-the-city is still gorgeous.
Am amused that Weir verbally smacks Teyla down and John tries to make things seem more diplomatic. They work well together already! Heeeh! Seriously, though, they do. I'm really liking the John-Weir dynamic, and I think that if I'm gonna ship a het ship for Atlantis? It'll most likely be John/Weir.
McKay? Is so pessimistic. Was amused by how everyone basically ignored his whinging about his impending DOOOOOM, though. Am getting to really, really like McKay. He's such a dork. XD And then, of course, he went and fainted! I really love his and Beckett's bickering. They're such an old married couple.
Heeeh, John with kids! Telling stories! And explaining hockey to the aliens! A game that he doesn't like! Because he's a football fan! Who freaking brought a football video as his one item? *boggles* But they're all watching football! They are such guys!!! Trying to explain Mary? Hah! "Did I mention how much I like ferris wheels?" *pats John* You guys are all such dorks.
Aaaand, Ford. With Military Dude. Who I immediately thought was a Redshirt. So imagine my surprise when, dude, it wasn't him who got zapped by the energy-zapper-thingy! But, ahh, poor pretty boy Ford.
Then we go back to McKay. Who amuses me even more when the shield-thingy came off when it looked like his life was gonna be put into danger. But he came through in the end. Awww, hero!McKay.
Overall? Liked the episode. Loved the character interactions. So very, very amused by how everyone pokes fun at McKay. However, am I the only one who thought the gene therapy thingy came on a bit too quickly? Wasn't that something that was supposed to make John omigodsospeshul, but now they can just inject it into people? Wha? Wasn't that, like, the only reason Weir wanted John on the team? Now, at the beginning of the third episode of the series, it turns out, oh! Beckett can give it to anybody now! Bleah.
Alright then. Back to the characters. John? Soooo much love still. Ford? Was barely a blip in this episode. Hell, Grodin had a bigger part than he did. But, oh well, 'cause Grodin is cool. Beckett? ♥ McKay? Love. Weir? Yup, getting to love her. Teyla? Still lukewarm. =/ I think it's pretty obvious by now the character interactions I love the best so far, 'cause I'm definitely making no secret of how I feel, so I won't get into that. =D