Time to Vent

Nov 03, 2008 20:39

Ok, so last April, I heard that Grey's Anatomy was planning on trying out a gay storyline with Erica and Callie. Now, I had only watched Grey's once and a while, but due to it's pop culture visability, I was well aware of what was going on in the show. But I thought- yay! finally, a lesbian storyline on network TV! Since there are currently a grand total of ZERO such storylines on TV, this was something I was really thrilled about. But, as with all such storylines, I went into it waiting for the other shoe to drop. And today it did.

Now, I don't mind ending a TV relationship. Seriously. I survived the Buffy-Angel break-up just fine. I don't even mind losing a character- while it was rough, I made it through the death of several of my favorite characters throughout the years. But what pisses me off about the recent news from ABC regarding Grey's is that it appears that ABC freaked out about the lesbian relationship and rather than end it fired one of the actresses involved.

It's 2008. ABC has several shows that have openly gay male characters (the most on network television). But they kill the lesbian storyline? Cuz it was getting to graphic? seriously? The sole bedroom scene that existed was with both women fully clothed- something that never happens with the heterosexual couples. Maybe the dialogue took the analogies too far (and they certainly weren't the best written). But to get rid of the lesbian storyline AND the only lesbian character on network TV? Not cool.

I'm frankly disgusted with ABC for this. And, just when I was starting to like Grey's, I'm done. Personally, I'm sick of always seeing lesbian characters getting the shaft. I was always the one to defend storyline dictated deaths, negative portrayals, and whatnot. But this, like the de-gaying of Zach way back in the first season of Heroes reeks of bad. Reeks of it. When will I get to see a relationship between two women on network TV treated just like any other relationship and not have to fear that the network or the writers will do an about face and get rid of it. It really depresses me that even today these things keep happening.

And don't even get me started about the debacle of Thirteen on House....
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