Don't you remember (chapter 2)

Dec 30, 2011 16:47

Title: Don't you remember (chapter 2)
Type: angst, romance
Pairings: Yamachii, YamadaXOC, slight Okajima, Yutori
Rating: PG-13
Sum: Yamada wanted to lead a normal like with a happy family as he wished so he broke up with Chinen and got married with a beautiful girl. Before thier marriage Chinen left Japan with Yuto to escape his painful past. 4 years passed already, Yamada who was supposed to have a happy life with his ideal family and a lovely daughter turned out to be miserable after getting discorced and raising his kid alone. Once again the fate made him meet Chinen once more, he wanted to make it up to his love, but can it work again since Chinen didn't have much time left.

The little 4-year-old girl ran as fast as she could towards the front door after getting off the car. There stood a beautiful young woman with apron around her slim waist. Yes, Setsuko was still beautiful as ever, she was the  hottest girl in their high school. Most of boys in school liked her but she always kept her eyes on Ryosuke, who never ever paid any attention to her. No matter how hard she tried this handsome boy would never lay his eyes on her instead, he always stared lovingly and smiled at his best friend, Chinen Yuri.
"Hey, Ryosuke. Do you have anyone to accompany to the school's party, tomorrow?" Setsuko smiled broadly at the attractive boy in front of her, hiding her blush when he smiled back friendly.
"Hi, Fujiwara.. ano Setsuko-san. Umh... party ... tomorrow... I am not sure ... not yet. No one has asked me about that."
"How about coming with me?" Asked she excitedly.
He turned back immediately after hearing that voice. The smile on her face then faded away. She knew who this high-pitched voice belonged to, that boy,who she considered as her greatest enemy, always tried to interfere in her moment with her Ryosuke, Chinen Yuri. Is he blind? Can he see we are talking? He is such an nuisance. But the thing that disturbed her more was that Ryosuke never ignored him. In fact, he showed that he really loved to spoil that cute boy. That self-centered cocky boy, who he think he is, Ryosuke's girlfriend. No! If someone deserves to be his lover it's me not him. I don't know why Ryosuke likes him, that brat only has a cute appearance, he is not even as beautiful as me.
This time was no exception, Ryosuke's face became brighter after seeing that boy.
'' Gomen, Setsuko-san, I will text u later, I have to go now."
Then again he ran away before I had my chance. For him, that boy is more important than me, isn't he? I would never lose against u, Chinen Yuri. She clenched her fist tightly.

On the way to Chinen's home.
''That girl seems to really like you,ne."
Chinen suddenly stated the topic. He seemed not to be happy.
"Who are u talking about?'' Yamada was confused.
" She is not only absolutely pretty but also clever. No wonder many boys in our school like her. And if you takes interest in her, it is reasonable ne.''
He continued, ignoring Yamada's attitude.
''Is that Setsuko-san, whom u are talking about? Oh, I see. You are jealous, aren't you?'' He teased.
Chinen felt his left cheek burned up.
"Of course, no. Don't say such silly thing."
Yamada chucked at how cute Chinen could be. That's why he loved being with him and teasing him. He touched the shorter boy's hair lovingly.
'' There is no way that I  could leave my cute little brother even if I have a girlfriend, right? I will be always beside you."
Somehow, Yamada's words made the little boy happy and disappointed at the same time. I am nothing more than your little brother, aren't I. How dumb you are. You are never paying attention to my feelings. But at least I can be with you, Ryosuke. As long as I can be with you, I will never tell you my biggest secret.
His thought went away as Yamada took hold of his hand to prevent him from falling down.
"Watch out!! You are about to fall, what are u thinking about this time?"
"Nothing."He shook his head, still holding Yamada's warm hand.
Yeah. It would be my secret until I have courage to tell him.

The young lady picked her daughter up.
"Hello dear. Do u miss me?''
"Yes, a lot. I miss you very very very much."
She smiled and hugged the baby tight but then her eyes averted on the black car in front of her house.
He opened the glass of the car's door to look at her and their daughter.
"I've sent the paper with my signature to your office. You can ask your secretary, she will give it to you.''
He nodded.Somehow he felt guilty just by looking at the sadness in her eyes.
''Can you do me a favor? For our Keiko, of course?''
"I will do anything I can for both of you.''
Her thin lips curved into a bright smile.
"Saturday's evening, Keiko and I are going to hold a small party to celebrate your 23rd birthday at my father's restaurant. Can you come and join us?"
"I...have an important appointment that time ...beside I don't like noisy party..."
"Please, daddy. We need you.'' His daughter looked at him with teary begging eyes. Of course, how can he go against her wish.
"Ok, Keiko papa will definitely come."
Keiko 's tears stopped and she smiled again.

:"Sir Yamada. Sir Arioka has come."
"Let him in."

"It seems like your business is running well.I see you are always busy here." said the young man as he sneaked into the room.
Yamada was sitting at his working desk, looked up from the pile of papers to his friend.
"What brings a famous music star like you to my office, Daiki." Yamada put his pen down and stood up from his leather seat. "Bring me some tea, Sawako-san."
Daiki pouted. "Mou, Yamachan. Why can you be more friendly to your sempai? I deserve it."
Yamada chuckled at his friend. "Besides, Yamachan I bring interesting news to you here and you would be grateful to me for telling u that.''
Yamda looed at him with confusing eyes."What news?"
"Remember last month I went to America for making my newest single. And then yeterday I came back, can you guess who I met in the plane on the way to Japan?''
He stopped his words and stared at Yamada who was really suspensed.
"It's our old friend, Chinen Yuri. Yes, Chinen Yuri is currently in Japan."
Yamada dropped his tea cup to the floor after hearing that name.
Is it true? It is not my dream, right. He is here, my Yuri is really here.
He stuttered. "Yo..u are no..t joking, aren't you? Or maybe you mistook him with someone.''
Daiki shook his head again " Never in my life, there is no way i can't regconized him. He has changed a little bit, but still pretty ever. And his smile is still the same, how can I forgot that smile?"
Yamada couldn't explain his feelings anymore, his mind went blank.
Is that fate again giving me another chance to meet him.

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