It's like break up time of the year or something. I finally ended it with John, and even though I ended it, i'm dying over here. 2 years wasted, dude, I know how it is. I cannot believe I didn't see all the warning signs that he didn't give a shit, and as he promised to stay friends he cut me out of his life the day after I bring him 2 different kinds of soup when he was sick. Although he hurt me and treated me like shit, I still was the better person and tried to stay friends and he just blows me off. I don't understand relationships at this point, I mean we all just end up hurting each other. I guess when we break up with someone though, it means there had to be something not right and it had to happen. The whole fighting situation you and I both had with our lovers was just too much, so hopefully the loss of having someone there and being comfortable will get better and we'll be able to just get on with it and be happy we don't have to experience the bullshit and fighting anymore..i don't know, i'm always your best advice giver but i'm in the same place darling.
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