SUCK!!! - I Want Graduate School!

Jan 05, 2006 18:18

So I f-in-a-l-l-y (finally!!!) found a part time graduate program in Religion and in Chicago! It's actually just a Masters in Liberal Studies and it's interdisciplinary, but it includes seminars in Art History, Anthropology, Religion and Ethics.

It's almost perfect, or at least, as close as I can get without quitting my job and going thru a day program on a PhD track, which is not an option. At least it's a graduate program somewhere in the vicinity of what I want to study.

So! Nights, weekends, and one of the Art History profs is...guess who? undergrad Art History professor! I guess she moved on since my undergrad days. :-) She is extremely tough (e-x-t-r-e-m-e-l-y) but I managed to get A's in both of her undergrad seminars. If she hadn't been going on sabbatical, I actually considered adding another major, I loved her classes so much.

So! Ok! Perfect, right? I have been wanting, dreaming, hoping, wishing I could go to grad school. I so so so badly want to get my PhD, but quitting my job and borrowing $100,000 to get a degree for a $20,000 a year job is not an option. And this program is at an extremely prestigious school. It is long out of my way, but I could do it. I could.


EACH COURSE -- $2100. And usually 1-2 per semester, plus summer session.

Honestly, I do not have $2000 a year or $4000 a year. Some months I can barely buy groceries.


Sometimes life just sucks.

Well. Weeeellllll. I guess I am not giving up totally. Before today I did not even know such a program even existed, and the chances of getting a graduate degree in religion were zero. Now at least I know there is a graduate program in my area. It's not exactly what I wanted, but then, I also don't need to be fluent in Ancient Greek or in Latin -- not even in French! -- in order to get in, which was always a big stumbling block to a more traditional PhD.

So, this year? No. Maybe not before I'm 40, even. But it's there. It's possible. the Universe showed it to me and now I have to believe the Universe will give me a way.

After all, there is always a home equity loan, and once I get this furnace and my dental work paid off I will have that cashflow freed up.


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