so here i was, not doing any of the ten million things i absolutely have to have done as of last month, looking forward to my dumb little Nashville conference, hoping to erase all of the best-practice-quashing, soul-sucking, what-never-to-do-in-a-million-years student teaching experiences i've had, trying to see if there is a NWP affiliate
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her lab's research does sound super interesting (and she is lovely)! and a half-hour to costco sounds like a dream come true given the shopping choices here in WNC. my sister's family is going to be in spokane in a few months (military) and i'm hoping i can find a teaching job somewhere in the area while we get residency for tuition purposes. of course, i should probably figure out what state to get residency in first. U Idaho and U Montana are definitely on the short list, but i've heard missoula is full of hipster assholes, albeit liberal ones. WSU in pullman is another contender but tuition there is considerably more expensive.
small towns are definitely preferred--the boyfriend and i are very much into not being surrounded by people constantly. lebensraum minus the obvious nazi connotations i guess. also, we have five animals (counting the lizard) and finding a landlord who's okay with that in a large town or city is tough, and that's before even excluding places that are totally unlivable.
the downside is that jobs tend to be scarcer in small towns--i'd be looking for teaching and he'd be looking for an entry-level outdoorsy type whatever-the-fuck job. do you know if there's a decent work-study program up there? i imagine i could get paid for research in an MS program, but how common is paid research for undergrads?
sorry to bombard you with questions. who knew we'd end up crossing the same paths at different times? hope you've found a job in your field & are doing well these days.
i love missoula. it's awesome. great music scene. it's bigger than moscow, and it's full of gambling and strip clubs and liquor... man. great town. lots of snow and far from places, though. farther than moscow.
housing prices in moscow aren't great, but i have/had lots of friends who hooked up houses in moscow for cheapish. and even if you're living on the perimeter of town (public avenue, mountain view rd) you're... two miles away from campus. and there's a public bus in town, which is kind of crazy for a town of that size. and a farmer's market in the summer and early autumn. pullman has an annual lentil festival.
outdoors jobs are gettable, i think. obvs the economy sucks and so state and federal hiring is probably tighter than it could be elsewhere. idaho has tons of work study programs for undergrads, no idea about grad students but they have the same tuition waivers/grad assistantships as others schools. paid research for undergrads... i didn't know many natural science students but they ral seemed to have a lot of paid research opportunities. but i wouldn't be the one to talk to about that. i only knew chem students, really.
i'm working as an administrative assistant for the austin police department. it is related to my degree. i am doing well-ish.
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