Nov 12, 2010 01:11
so here i was, not doing any of the ten million things i absolutely have to have done as of last month, looking forward to my dumb little Nashville conference, hoping to erase all of the best-practice-quashing, soul-sucking, what-never-to-do-in-a-million-years student teaching experiences i've had, trying to see if there is a NWP affiliate somewhere in eastern WA or thereabouts (the good news: Moscow, ID), when i notice a little article that mentions that NWP IS GETTING FUCKING SACKED.
WTF AMERICA. first the midterms, now this? or rather, the other way around, since that was in august.
why would they take away the best, hands-down, professional development program that exists? are they defunding the student outreach programs too? who the fuck is fighting and where do i sign up?