The Air-Conditioning Challege is officially closed! We had quite a battle this week!
1st Place: ABC-Z pulled ahead at the very end with 90 pts.
2nd place: Arashi with 80 pts, who had a shocking lead at the start of the week but couldn't hold it.
3rd place: NEWS with 60 pts.
KAT-TUN, Mis Snow Man, Kis-My-Ft2, Shoon all had 10 pts. It also cracks me up that Shoon is a unit.
Week six's challenge is Favorite Restaurant.
Everybody's got one, maybe it's the super posh place that only Yamapi can get into, or the shady noodle stand that only Yakuza and the TOKIO members eat at after all-night drinking parties. Maybe the Curiosity Team is checking out places or senpai are just taking out the kouhai, and I'm sure everybody and their mom knows what Koyama's favorite restaurant is. Anybody who writes about that cm where Tackey is a chef and msm/abcz are waiters is my heeeeero.
As usual, questions or concerns go to
jackoweskla or
mousapelli. みんな! 一緒に書きましょう、ね?
Thanks to
diamondsjack and
snowqueenofhoth for the acronym/mouseover trick. Yay technology!