Title: Body Heat
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100
Characters/Pairings: Koichi/Pan
Author's Notes: Pointless fluff, what would I do without you.
Outside, the sun is rising and with it the heat. The neighbor’s plants had died last week and the air is so thick it's hard to breathe.
In his apartment, windows firmly closed and balcony door locked (even though he's on the 46th floor), Koichi puts the controllers back in place and turns the TV off.
He pats Pan before heading towards his bedroom while already discarding his bathrobe, shivering those last few steps before he is snuggling into the heavy blankets.
30 minutes later, Pan crawls under the covers and Koichi hugs her close before going back to sleep.
Title: Sorafune.
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Tsuyoshi, Koichi
Author's Notes: One day, I will write a longer one...
“Are you sure about this?”
“Of course!” Koichi exclaims, waving for Tsuyoshi to board the small ship. “I have a license!”
Tsuyoshi doesn't look convinced as he sits on the bench, clinging to his fishing gear.
It's only when they're in deep sea and Koichi quiets the engines, that Tsuyoshi finally takes a deep breath and lets himself relax. There is nothing around but blue sky and blue-er sea. The gentle sound of waves.
The cold bottle of beer, suddenly against his neck, makes him shiver and glare at Koichi's retreating back, laughter carrying on the wind.
Title: Cold as Ice
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Koichi, Tsuyoshi
Author's Notes: I was worried too when Tsuyoshi suddenly went backstage >.<
Usually it's solo time, this year it's a KinKi Kids tour. No album, no single, no birthday. Just old songs with new dances. New venues with long-time colleagues.
Sweat sticks his bangs to his forehead, his shirt to his back. On stage is just as hot as off stage, maybe even more. He sometimes has to fight to draw breath between dancing and singing and changing costumes fast enough to run to the other side of the stage. The air burns in his lungs, cloying and clogging.
Tsuyoshi's pale face and hurried retreat to backstage chills him to the bone.
Title: Summer Storm
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: TsuyoshixKoichi
Author's Notes: I hate rainy summers. Wet + air-conditioner = always always sick.
It starts with a few drops, a light patter, before lightning strikes and thunder tears the skies apart. Koichi curses, running the last few blocks before ducking into the building's entrance. His shoes make squelching sounds as he walks down the corridor, not taking his hat off even though water still drips down the worn cap, mixing with sweat and left over stage make-up, goosebumps already covering his dump skin.
When he finally gets inside, a towel hits his face non too gently.
“And take your clothes off before you catch a cold, idiot,” Tsuyoshi grumbles over his shoulder.
Title: Outside
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Tsuyoshi, ?
Author's Notes: You can't have KinKi Kids without a bit of angst.
The sun outside is bright through the smog covering the city.
He can't feel its rays on his skin.
Heat-waves rise from the pavement of his small porch and Tsuyoshi watches as his flowers wilt, his eyes glued to the green slowly turning into brown.
No matter how desperately he wants to, he can't feel the heat. Ice building from the inside out, freezing the breath in his lungs.
Until the hand on his shoulder breaks through the frost on his skin, warmth slowly sipping, making cracks in the ice.
The air heats with the presence of another.
Title: Indulgence
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: TsuyoshixKoichi
Author's Notes: I'm of the opinion Koichi can be much more sneaky in his ways than what people give him credit for.
It took Tsuyoshi two summers to realize Koichi is keeping his apartment so freezing just so he can have an excuse to cuddle up to Tsuyoshi.
“If you are so cold, just turn the aircon off!”
“Isn't it OK like this?” Koichi argues, embarrassment coloring his cheeks.
Tsuyoshi doesn't need to answer. Not in words.
Clothes strewn across the floor, moans over the sound of the ceiling fan and the rustle of sheets. Tsuyoshi gives his answer in the heat that flares between their pressed bodies, warmth transferring from tongue to skin.
Heat is better appreciated when shared.
Title: Summer Nights
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: TsuyoshixKoichi
Author's Notes: Because Koichi doesn't make ice and hates going out to do some shopping.
After getting no reply, Tsuyoshi lets himself in. It's unusually hot in the apartment.
He stops in the dark living room; a few candles provide little light and open windows do nothing to alleviate the heat. Koichi's way of saving electricity negated by the still open laptop, precariously balanced on the sofa next to a sleeping Koichi.
Tsuyoshi pats Pan and puts the ice in the empty fridge, smiling.
Koichi is gently awaken by chilled fingers running over his naked skin and gently pushing bangs from his forehead.
The heat of the tongue delving into his mouth feels even better.
Title: Showtime
Unit for Points: KinKi Kids
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Yara (vague MA, Koichi?)
Author's Notes: MA really need to do more group activities...
He wipes his forehead, sweat mixing with stage make-up. Another successful night.
Back in his dressing room, Yara quickly peals off the costume and makes a note to talk to Tackey about that line in act two. Wiping his face again he looks in the mirror.
He remembers another summer, spent on a different stage with different dance routines, no lines but plenty of talking. Different cities with the same people, great food and card games until sunrise. It is happening again right now, without him.
He doesn't regret his path, he just wishes they were all here with him.