Title: Nature
Unit for Points: Mis Snow Man
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Gussan, Matusjun, Kitamitsu, Sanapi
Author's Notes: Grabbing random surfing terms off wiki ftw o/
Like a scale of evolution. At the top: Gussan-sensei - a compact bundle of energy, always waiting for the perfect wave. Below him: Matusjun, who’d obsess over a trick until it was perfect, stuck with some inner-rulebook that he’d probably never throw away. Next: Kitamitsu. He’d perfected the art of apparently expending no energy whatsoever - impressive when aerial surfing, less impressive when he fell asleep at the pinball machine.
Then there was Sanapi, everyone’s favourite grommet. Most had him pegged as DoM, considering the sheer number of wipe-outs he experienced and how diligently he kept coming back for more.
Title: Motivation
Unit for Points: Mis Snow Man
Word Count: 100.
Characters/Pairings: Sanazawa
Author's Notes: This one's really dumb xD;
“What happened to you?” Nozawa whistles when Sanada tramps into the surf-club that evening.
“Well, I was practising super hard,” he replies (ignoring Kitayama’s derisive snort).
Nozawa leans over the bar-counter and, without another word, brushes Sanada’s hair back to prod at a nasty, purple bruise above his temple.
“Dude, you’re still bleeding,” he murmurs, “Come ‘round back so I can treat it.”
Sanada smiles, then winces as he gets up.
“I guess I have a few other injuries too,” he mutters.
“Guess so,” Nozawa nods.
“You’d better take your shirt off then,” he pronounces before disappearing into the backroom.