Okay, I haven't talked about this here, mainly because I haven't wanted to Jinx it, and I haven't wanted to come across as too arrogant, for lack of a better term. I just didn't want to talk about it until I was certain that I could produce something worth contributing.So here goes:
David Ano approached me a few months ago to contribute to the Bam Too! anthology which is looking to have a pretty decent collection of creator contributing. Initially I was going to provide a standalone part of my larger project that hads languished in my lack of motivation that I'm only recently getting past due to a good swift jolting to reality by someone very influential. I was inspired to start creating a series of comics now called "
Critical Thinking In Everday Life" due to a call to action by the fine folks at Skeptic Magazine, and since I like to say I make comics, I decided to start doing comics about Critical Thinking. Four installments are done and now submitted for Bam Too!
I'm looking forward to doing more comics and the bit of drawing on my agenda is a new frontpage for the web site.