(no subject)

Nov 03, 2008 18:38

Tomorrow is Election Day. If you haven't voted, then please do so at some point tomorrow. I'm not one of those that says if you don't vote, then you can't complain. Quite the contrary, please complain, whether you vote or not. You should vote because it's one of the few things that your country asks of you. We're not like some countries where military service is required of all able-bodied citizens.  We don't require membership in a state-sponsered church. You're not even required to send your kids to public school. You can choose to educate them at home if you want. The government requires you to pay taxes (unless you're a church, or make under a certain income), serve on a jury when called, and vote, and they're lenient on the last one.

INTERRUPTION: I just received my first Robocall with Hank Williams Jr. asking me to vote for John McCain. No bold faced lies about Obama or lies about voting in general, just Bocephus wanting me to vote Republican.

Now for some analysis. McCain has an uphill battle, but not an unbeatable one. I believe that he can take Ohio, despit polls that give it to Obama by a slim margin. I think Obama will take Virginia, but not North Carolina. Florida will be close, but my gut says it'll go to McCain. Ultimately, I predict that We won't know for certain until the West Coast reports in. Ohio will take a while to report in again, and Florida may take a while as well, possibly until after California is called.. The key state for both campaigns is Pennsylvania. For McCain to win, he must win Pennsylvania, and without it, Obama's victory is harder to accomplish. The problem is that Pennsylvania looks to be solidly for Obama. My final prediction? Obama wins with 291 electoral votes to McCain's 247. Obama easily wins the popular vote with 52%

Now the Senate will be tricky. Georgia will go to a runoff, as neither Chambliss or Martin will get 50% of the vote. I don't know the runoff rules for Minnesota, but the Franken Coleman race looks to be really close, maybe not being called until well into the night. My final prediction is that Republicans will start the session in January with 41 seats in the Senate. I don't think the Democratscan get that Filibuster-proof majority. While it may be a surprise to some of you, I don't want them to have the ability to stop a filibuster. It's one of the truly American ideas that a minority of one senator can be so passionate about an issue that he can halt voting on it for as long as he can hold breath in his body.

Well, that's it. I'm out of the Internet loop now for about 24 hours, as tomorrow morning, I report bright and early to work the polls. I'm excited about it, but at the same time, I know it'll be about 12 of the most boring hours I've ever spent.

Oh, and here's two funny pictures of the candidates for President.


politics, election

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