Hi again! There's a little bit of business to take care of as part of the re-launch, so here we go.
The Community Info has been re-written, so please take a minute to read through the rules and such. I don't intend to be a horrible tyrant who sucks all the joy out of this community, but your cooperation would be greatly appreciated. I think we're all reasonable people, and with a little bit of mutual respect, I really don't anticipate any troubles. ^_^
The main changes between the first version of Jdrabblers and the new version involve the frequency of theme postings, ratings and adult content, and tags.
As you probably noticed from the first theme post, themes are now monthly instead of weekly. That's better for my schedule and sanity, and I think it offers everyone a lot more range and flexibility with time frames and theme options, so I'm hoping that will be a win-win situation! More themes means more choices, and a longer time frame gives everyone more time to write and explore their ideas. The additional writing time may also lead to longer fics, which is also a good change. I hope that drabbles and ficlets will still be the focus of this community, but I enjoy longer fics, so I certainly welcome any contributions to our community!
LJ has been making a lot of noise about adult content and keeping minors away from anything that might scar their little psyches. I think a lot of the new rules are rather draconian, but I also understand that if we don't play by those rules, we could get into some hot water, and I really don't want to see that happen to any of us. So, please include the appropriate rating for your drabbles when making a post. The notion of a ratings system is new ground for me, but I tried to come up with something similar to the movie ratings system:
G - Nothing offensive or sexual; appropriate for everyone.
PG - Some language, sexuality, or violence, but nothing too over-the-top.
R - Stronger language, violence, or sexual content; potentially offensive subject matter.
NC-17 - Graphic exchanges of bodily fluids, gore and dismemberment, etc.
As we all know, I like smut, but I also really enjoy silly fluff. So no one is going to judge you if your fics are all G-rated, or if your fics are all rated NC-17 and make us all blush a little bit. I trust that we can all be creative and get along together, and respect that we all have different tastes. I also refuse to limit anyone's creative expression. If you reach a point in your story where Kyo really needs to go to Rome and kill the Pope, so be it. Sometimes you just reach that point and you need to express it. But that fic needs to be rated R, because killing the Pope falls under the "potentially offensive subject material" category. If Kyo eviscerates the Pope, that would be an NC-17 for "gore and dismemberment". ^_^;;
LJ has added an "Adult Content" filtering option, and I ask that everyone please use that option. Right now, this community is set to 'No Adult Content' because a significant portion of our fics are general audience material, but please use good judgment in choosing the best filter for your posts. It will only take a second, and it will make sure that Jdrabblers can be a fun and safe place for all of us to write and read fanfics. That setting is new to me, too, so we can all try to learn to live with it together.
Regarding tags, the original version of Jdrabblers used the theme as a tag, and looking back, that was a poor decision on my part. The new tags mark each entry by its band fandom. That makes a lot more sense, and I thank you all for pointing me in the right direction about that. There is already a long list of tags available, and I will add new tags as needed, so if the tag you need is not available, drop me an
email or make a note in your post, and I will add the tag. Right now, Gakuhai fics are tagged "Gackt" and "Hyde" because it will very quickly get out of hand if each pairing or each band member has a unique tag. I'm open to some discussion on the matter, but I would prefer to not have a zillion tags over in the sidebar.
Whew! That was a lot of modly rambling! XD I think that covers stuff for now, but I'll be back for mod posts whenever needed... Or when I just feel like hearing myself talk. JK.
There's a plot bunny bouncing off the walls behind me, so I'm going to go catch it before it knocks something over and makes a mess. ^_^ Thanks for reading, and happy drabbling!!