Feb 08, 2010 18:18
Have i said recently just how much i hate Microsoft and their abortion of an operating system (pick all). I have a real stinky feeling I picked up some malware from LJ. from exactly where I'm not sure -I do not utilize any of the click-thru ads, or anything like that.
I had 1 Safari for windows browser screen up and running with 4 tabs open -dailykos, gmail, lj, and huffington post. I had some indication earlier in the week when I was doing something on another system also running XP Pro, and I got a virus/malware popup. with just LJ up. I killed the browser and everything seemed to be uninfected. I was on LJ at the time.
I am now thouroghly spooked. I'm afraid I'm going to be looking at LJ from Macs only, I cannot risk losing multiple hours on trying to clean dynamically morphing DLL's with multiple programs. It still took manually going into the resgister listing and manually removing DLL's and hoping for the best.
and this piece of shit operating system -this runs most of the world! jesucristo!
Well, I'll just have to make sure that I look at LJ from a mac or maybe even my Android phone. NOT my pc.
piece of s#$t operating system,