Nov 27, 2005 12:52
fucking grounded again. this is fucking bull shit, and i dont know how fucking long im grounded for. its really fucking retarded. fucking eh Nick and Kyle came over and then my dad kicked them out and basically told me to kick Nikki out. i feel really bad. my mom said she saw me smoking so me and my dad had a talk about that and i dont even know how long im fucking grounded. my dad made me tell him who i had sex with cause my fucking snoopy ass mom found a note to Matt and it said some shit and he thought it was him but it wasnt , i was like you can fucking call up matt and fucking ask him if you want. and then he was like well who have you had sex with then and he MADE me fucking tell him i only said Nick thought cause if i said about Jamie my ass would get kicked. and then he asked me who i got my cigs from and i couldnt say one of my friends or say that i still steal them from my mom so i said jamie. and then my dads liek im calling his parents tonight. and shit like that and then i have to go see a fucking counselor every fucking day , but i do need some one to talk too cause my family dont talk to me and my friends arnt really that much of a help , well devin is cause he will ACTULLY listen to me. its all fucking retarded, and then my moms gunna come home pissyer then hell at me and i know shes gunna fucking deck me and my dads like no she fucking wont, not while im here.My dad is the only one that i can really fucking talk to. he acctully kinda understands were im coming from. and then he asked me if ive smoked pot and im lik SHIT. and then he was like you better tell me the fucking truth. and im like yeah i have and then hes like you better not fucking do it again. idk some times i just think that i need to get away from this family and away from people. i really dont wanna be here on eath it sucks major balls. but yet i really dont wanna kill myself cause well my friends and my bf and SOME of my family. it all just fucking sucks really. and i dont wanna have to fuking deal with this shit , i shouldnt have to worry about leaving the house and my mom finding something in my room. no one should fucking have to worry about people going threw their room. fuck i hate it ihave to fucking hide everything befor i leave the house. i might be moving in with my grandma or my sister some time REALLY soon cause i just gotta get away from all this shit. at least i would feel some what respeceted. theirs only one thing i want right now, and thats to have the freedom to be able to keep shit in my room without my mom going threw my shti cause fuck man its just fucking queer. but w/e im gunna fucking go