Dec 03, 2005 19:26
Cazie said "no" I dosnt surpize me much really i guess, but it hurt me alot. This allways seems to happen to me, like when i have the biggest feelings for a guy ever they dont like me and break my heart. i cant live with it , but shit guys have been real dick holes since school has started , well Most guys anyways, They have all been messing with my feelings and its fucking gay. I did well i do have the biggest feelings for cazie and well idk and then theirs the hole matt thing, broke up with me cause of his kid, then broke up with me again cause i cheated on him with cazie, broke up wtih me again for his ex gf sam, and then broke up with me again cause he claimed he was really drunk and had a girl friend in bismark. god that kid is so retarded.theirs only one good thing thats happening in my life, CHRISTINA'S MOVING IN 10 DAYS NIGGA!!! I DONT EVA WANNA SEE HER FATT ASS AGAIN!!!!!!!but anyways im gunna go ......chow