Art for I Dream of Jensen

Nov 23, 2019 10:42

Art for I Dream of Jensen by disneymagics

The artwork, when posted was titled: What Is Your Wish?

Jared finds a lamp at an antique shop, buys it and takes it home where he polishes it. To his surprise, it’s actually a holding lamp for a Djinn named Jensen. Jensen reveals that he is Jared’s to command, anyway that Jared sees fit. Since Jensen is magical, Jared figures he can help Jared get the guy he’s had a crush on. Since Jared is his master, Jensen is obliged to do as Jared wishes. As Jensen fulfills Jared’s wishes, Jensen begins to fall in love with Jared, something a Djinn is cursed to do. In doing so, he puts all his life/magical energy into making Jared happy. Jensen becomes weaker as he ties himself to Jared, giving Jared all the happiness he can. As Jensen’s magic weakens, Jared’s eyes begin to open to reality; to the jerk he’s dating, that Jensen is dying, his wishes have caused this and he’s falling in love with Jensen, but he has no idea how to fix things. Jensen can’t reveal that he is doomed to die and the only way to save him is if Jared loves him for himself, not his magic. Jared’s love for him will break the curse, but not only can’t Jensen say anything, he really doesn’t think that Jared would ever love him. Jensen continues to fulfill his duties to his master at the cost of his own life.

disneymagics claimed my art and prompt, creating the story titled I Dream of Jensen.

See the artwork created to accompany the story AO3

Read the story here:

2019 j2_reverse bang, digital art, j2

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