Title: I Dream of Jensen
Author: Disneymagics
jdl71Rating: PG-13
Characters: Jared, Jensen, Stephen Amell, Padalecki Family, Sandy (minor), Gil (minor)
Genre: J2, fantasy, romance, hurt/comfort
Disclaimer: Don't own, just playing in the sandbox.
Warning: Temporary charactor death
Word Count: 28,000
Summary: There are many stories about those lucky individuals who find a lamp or a bottle or any other object to which a djinn is bound. Those people have dreams and they make wishes and their lives are changed forever in mystical, magical, fantastical ways. One such notable story tells the tale of a street rat who finds a lamp and marries a princess. But this isn't that kind of story. This is from a different perspective - the djinn's point of view. This is the story of Jensen.
Notes: This story was written for the 2019
j2_reversebang. Thanks to
bluefire986 for the fun challenge. I'm so happy I got to work with
jdl71 on this project. The art she created is fantastic and she was so helpful and supportive every step of the way. You can find her art
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Timestamp 1 - Family and Pie Timestamp 2 - Thew Immune System of a Newborn