Oct 08, 2020 12:02
Let's face it, COVID has changed the world as we know it. There's just no way around that (and a post on the subject may come later). Forget the Ministry of Education's hypocrisy on the matter, but this is tough for kids. Sure, here in Canada (specifically Ontario) it's better than it was in the spring when kids were forced to home learning. Now at least some get to see friends every day in the confines of the classroom. But there's a lot of debate about the upcoming holiday. No, not Thanksgiving. That one's a write off and oddly enough I'm ok with that. No, I'm talking about Hallowe'en.
I get the distancing thing and that's going to prevent a lot of families from even allowing their kids to go out. Part of me wants my son to be able to go out. Under the right circumstances I think he would be fine to do so. The biggest one is to let the candy quarantine for two weeks after the fact. That's not a hard one to get him to do. Otherwise, I believe just avoiding contact with people while out and about makes for a safe evening. Malls, Walmarts, bars, and more remain open and there is a greater risk with any of those than some kids and families walking the neighbourhood - so long as distancing happens.
Essentially, I'm not one to tell other people what to do. So for some, there's no swaying this discussion and I respect that. While I think it's safe for the boy to go out in a supervised manor, we're still a few weeks away and that could change. Heck, he might not want to go out. He's old enough to make that decision. I suppose the only thing I know for sure is that I will buy some candy just in case some kids come around. Now if only I could figure out a creative way to get it to them while observing social distancing. I wonder if a pack of rockets would fly out of a Nerf gun...