Oct 07, 2020 08:42
Nearly a decade since I scratched these hallowed notes of mine. Well, let's be honest...hallowed is more than a stretch. Still, it's crazy to think it has been this long since I've written anything. Yes, I've written but it wasn't personal. I had a World of Warcraft blog. It's still out there but I think I've finally closed the door on that. The new expansion does nothing for me, save for the lore of a few characters.
I could probably spend a lifetime writing about everything that has come my way in all these years. And maybe I will get to putting some of them to paper(ish) at some point just to have them out there for me to read. If I did that now, this post would probably be ten thousand words. As I reacquaint myself with this place, that's not the first step I want to take.
Instead, it's just a little thought to words. Stuff that Facebook doesn't need to see. A wondering if anyone else is even still around after this long? Regardless. This is for me. Back to a place of solitude, away from the craziness of social media.
We'll see what comes of it.