Mar 20, 2009 21:17
Happy 1st day of Spring!
Not much to report. I'm working wicked hard at two jobs, trying to pull myself through the endless car repairs I just finished making. Done! I didn't use any credit cards to pay for them too, it was all out of pocket...which is a HUGE accomplishment for me.
I bought a new Star Wars book to celebrate my victory. Now I just have to finish reading about Eleanor of Aquitane so that I can start it....Eleanor will not be put aside.
Can it be warm yet? I have spring fever....all I wanna do is lay in the sunshine and be lazy. Ha, not gonna happen. I'm gonna change my schedule so that I'll have Sundays off. I may go insane if I don't have any day of the week off. 7 days straight has been a bit rough, but working at Michaels part time is really fun and brings out my crafty, artsy side.
Uh, that's about it. Time to cuddle in bed with my puppy (she's 3 years old now!) and read about Queen Eleanor.
Night night :)