May 18, 2005 16:53
One pin.
One Damned pin.
One mother-loving pin.
We lost first place on Sunday night. Strike that, reverse it. We didn't lose, the win was stolen by a team of Thieves. Yeah, that's their team name, too. They brought in a ringer with a 212 average to replace a woman with a 150 average. Piss me off. And we lost by one pin. If one of the five of us had picked up an extra spare, or filled a spare with a six instead of a five, we would have taken the second game instead of losing by two. And then the four points would have been ours, along with the nine hundred dollars that first place would have brought. The worst part is that most of us were dead-on in the pocket for the majority of the night, and were left with 8s, 9s, and some horrendous splits. Lisa was throwing just about perfectly and couldn't buy a strike, though she did pick up spares to save herself. And, when the game was on the line, Jay threw a perfect pocket shot and was left with the 7-10. We needed 9 in that second game to guarantee the win, and he got the 7-10. Also, in typical Jay fashion, he held himself responsible for the entire night's loss. If I didn't like him so much, I'd have given him a kick in the box.
As it stands, most everyone else in the league thinks it stinks. It was legal, but it reeked like yesterday's sushi. The payouts for this league are on Sunday at 6, right around the time we start the new Summer league.
My "new" inquiry project has actually progressed pretty well. I've got two of five maps "done" (or as close to done as I am willing to accept), and a rough outline of the others. The kicker is that they won't even be close to finished even well after I leave, because it's the Teachers' and Fellows' responsibilities to modify, change, and add resources to this curriculum map in each discipline. I just get to be the one to make the first model. Strike that, the first five models. In a week.
And so I'm still sitting at work (playing Hexic), waiting for an email that I asked for five hours ago. In order to finish yet another last-minute proposal, I need a price quote from PASCO, Scientific for a set of portable lab interface systems. The new guy should work out fine, he's already making deliveries and calling teachers to find out when they'll be finished with the equipment.
Last day of work tomorrow, Honors Convocation on Friday, Commencement on Saturday. If it weren't for the department breakfast at 730, I'd stay in bed until 9, when I technically have to be in line. But if there's one thing that people should never tempt me with, it's free food. And lots of it.
*Update to the Previous:*
- 79 on my Instrumental Methods exam (143/185), B- as a final grade. This is thoroughly spiffy, even though I don't really need the class to graduate. It's nice to know that I did 15 points better than average, which was a C-.
- A- on my final English portfolio, B as a final grade (never thought I'd do better in English than Instrumental).
- no word yet on the Perspectives papers, but grades will be online starting May 31st.